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Learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the LHSS Project. We invite you to search LHSS knowledge products and resources for the latest approaches, insights, and learning in the field of integrated health systems strengthening. 


A DrugsExpress delivery bike outside the company’s headquarters in Kampala
Success Story

With a small grant and technical support from LHSS, a Ugandan pharmacy and logistics company, MM Partners Logistics Ltd., expanded its e-Pharmacy platform to include more family planning products and increased the capacity of its dispensing staff to provide better counsel to clients on reproductive health and family planning. 

Country/region: Global
Screen shot of cover

.A validated, streamlined set of metrics can help the HIV community drive toward such a “people-centered” orientation and advance the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS’ 2025 target of linking at least 90% of people living with HIV and people at risk to people-centered and context-specific integrated services.

Country/region: Global
Photo of two women looking at data sheets

While health systems practitioners aren’t going out to sea with men named Ishmael, we chase our own white whale: evidence. Evidence that health systems interventions impact the availability, affordability, and accessibility of healthcare.

Country/region: Global
Mr. Albert Tjaronda, Chief Health Programme Officer: Policy and Planning, MOHSS , discusses the resource tracking process in Namibia to-date and the necessity of this data to inform policy and planning decisions.

Namibia's Ministry of Health and Social Services conducted a workshop to map health and HIV expenditures using a combined System of Health Accounts and National AIDS Spending Assessment approach.

Country/region: Namibia
Screen shot of dashboard

With investment of nearly $60 million, LHSS supported USAID's COVID-19 response in 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, between March 2020 and September 2023. 

Country/region: Global
Attendees of the Global Knowledge Workshop in Namibia

LHSS Namibia recently hosted a global knowledge workshop in collaboration with key public and private sector stakeholders. This comprehensive session allowed participants to delve into factors behind recent improvements and to strategize on sustaining and scaling these successes.

Country/region: Namibia
implementation guide

This implementation guide provides details on how project teams and local partners may implement the various approaches contained in the strategy, including tools and templates that may be adapted to country and activity contexts.

Country/region: Global
spotlight brief financial protection and SBC

This brief describes opportunities to improve financial protection programs using behavior change approaches. The Practice Spotlights Social and Behavior Change series supports USAID’s Vision for Health System Strengthening 2030 by exploring how social and behavior change approaches can contribute to countries’ health system strengthening efforts.

Country/region: Global
Kazakhstan Meeting 2.9

With LHSS support, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted an Interagency Technical Working Group Coordination Meeting in Astana. Ministries of Health, Veterinary Services, Agriculture, and Ecology, alongside international organizations, discussed collaborative preparedness, human resource capacity for One Health, and joint disease investigation. 

Country/region: Kazakhstan
Tajikistan news story

With support from USAID’s LHSS Project, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population (MOHSPP) in Tajikistan strengthened Tajikistan’s national laboratory system and supported the country’s COVID-19 Country Preparedness and Response Plan.

Country/region: Tajikistan

The 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR 2024) will be held in Nagasaki, Japan, from November 18 to 22, 2024.

Country/region: Global
Health System Strengthening Evidence Gap Map: Social and Behavior Change

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 6, "What are key behavioral outcomes that indicate a functioning, integrated health system? In what ways can integrated health system strengthening approaches explicitly include social and behavior change?"

Country/region: Global
Health System Strengthening Evidence Gap Map Integration and Engagement of Local Voices

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 4, “What are effective and sustainable mechanisms or processes to integrate local, community, sub-national, national, and regional voices, priorities, and contributions into USAID’s health system strengthening efforts?”

Country/region: Global
Tajikistan vaccine cold chain inventory assessment report

The assessment findings inform the MoHSPP and its international partners on interventions to improve the quality of vaccination services, not only for COVID-19 but beyond. This ultimately leads to increased access to improved services in Tajikistan.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Bangladesh MSC infographic

The Most Significant Change (MSC) is a complexity-aware monitoring approach that helps us track and understand important changes happening in systems, practices, organizations, and people. LHSS Bangladesh has applied this MSC tool to identify, evaluate, and understand the most substantial changes within our primary health care system functions. 

Country/region: Bangladesh

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