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A DrugsExpress delivery bike outside the company’s headquarters in Kampala
Success Story

With a small grant and technical support from LHSS, a Ugandan pharmacy and logistics company, MM Partners Logistics Ltd., expanded its e-Pharmacy platform to include more family planning products and increased the capacity of its dispensing staff to provide better counsel to clients on reproductive health and family planning. 

Country/region: Global
Webinar promotion includes the date and time of the event as well as an image of a healthcare provider and patient.

In Colombia and Peru, integrating migrants into national health systems is challenging due to inequalities in access and limited resources. This event aims to discuss the knowledge and expectations needed to effectively implement promising practices in different contexts, helping address these challenges and improve health equity for migrant populations.

Country/region: Colombia
migrant health data

In this webinar, a panel was held where both national and local experiences on managing information and knowledge regarding the migrant population were presented, with perspectives from Migración Colombia, the Ministry of Health, and the Bogotá Health Secretariat. 

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
migrant health Colombia

In this webinar, the challenges and opportunities for health financing that have arisen from the inclusion of the migrant population in the Colombian Health System were discussed. The strategies implemented by Community-Based Organizations to promote the inclusion of the Venezuelan migrant and returning populations into the Colombian Health System were also presented. Additionally, communication strategies focused on knowledge management and access to rights, with an emphasis on the Health Insurance System, were highlighted. 

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
LHSS Colombia and stakeholders pose for a picture at an event.

LHSS Colombia and stakeholders held the "First District Forum for the Humanization of Health Services" in Cartegena. The forum united health experts from the academic and public sectors to share strategies and best practices for humanizing health services in Cartagena, a key commitment of the "Cartagena, City of Rights" Development Plan.

Country/region: Colombia
Photo of training attendees

Creating a network with interoperable data management systems holds great potential to revolutionize Cambodia’s entire social safety-net ecosystem, providing improved efficiency for policymakers, implementing organizations, service providers, as well banks that subsidize services. 

Country/region: Cambodia
Screen shot of cover

With increased migration around the world posing unique challenges and opportunities for health systems, efforts to better integrate and include migrants and host communities in national health systems are an integral part of the global health equity agenda. 

Country/region: GlobalColombiaPeru
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Final Report RO Colombia

The report outlines the main strategies recommended to address technical inefficiencies and improve the health system's capacity to integrate the Venezuelan migrant population in Colombia.

Country/region: Colombia
Cover Page

El informe detalla los esfuerzos de LHSS desde 2020 hasta 2023 en colaboración con el Gobierno de Colombia para mejorar la prestación de servicios de salud a las poblaciones migrantes, con un enfoque en la sostenibilidad financiera. Al implementar la Guía de Eficiencia Técnica de Sistemas de Salud (GET) de USAID, el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, el Departamento Nacional de Planeación y LHSS, se buscó mejorar la eficiencia en la asignación de recursos dentro del sector salud. La GET, que incluye cuatro grupos analíticos tradicionales—prestación de servicios, fuerza laboral en salud, productos farmacéuticos y financiamiento y gobernanza—se amplió para incluir un quinto grupo, Sistemas de Información, para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de Colombia. LHSS adaptó la guía mediante análisis de expertos y discusiones participativas con actores clave para identificar ineficiencias y proponer recomendaciones prácticas. El informe detalla las principales estrategias recomendadas para abordar estas ineficiencias y mejorar la capacidad del sistema de salud para integrar a la población migrante venezolana. 

Country/region: Colombia
Screen shot of cover

This brief introduces implementation research as an effective means to addressing health equity challenges and offers country examples illustrating how the approach can enhance equity in the broader context of health system strengthening.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Equity
Colombia journalists receive equity training

LHSS Colombia provided training for journalists and social organization representatives to enhance their understanding of the right to health for migrants and returned Colombians, promoting narratives focused on gender and social inclusion.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
Webinar title, date and time

Join us as we discuss key questions regarding the integration of migrants into national health systems, considerations for migrants and host communities, and strategies for promoting health equity.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Stakeholders at event celebrating collaboration between LHSS Colombia and Novartis

LHSS Colombia collaborates with Novartis to create an alliance focused on training health professionals to improve early detection of chronic diseases, ensure accurate diagnostics, provide up-to-date treatments, and offer comprehensive care and emotional support.

Country/region: Colombia
migrant maternal child health

In this webinar, the local perspectives regarding maternal health of the migrant population and their impact on the healthcare system were presented by the Health Secretariat of Barranquilla. Additionally, the Santo Domingo Foundation discussed the importance of performance-based payments in maternal health for migrant women with irregular immigration status. From the perspective of healthcare providers, the challenges of delivering healthcare services to pregnant individuals with irregular immigration status were presented. 

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
Photo of migrants crossing a waterway

Telling stories about migration and health has become a priority for a country that, today, has more than 2.5 million Venezuelan migrants; half of them recognizing themselves as living in poverty. The workshops will be held in 11 municipalities and will discuss how to address these types of stories so as not to misinform or cause stigma. 

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health

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