Resource Center


Learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the LHSS Project. We invite you to search LHSS knowledge products and resources for the latest approaches, insights, and learning in the field of integrated health systems strengthening. 


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This learning resource presents key learning from the activity literature review, learning exchange meetings, and TA workshops. This resource focuses particularly on stakeholder engagement and institutionalizing stronger links between national health priorities, sector plans and national budgets, which learning partners identified as their most pressing issues.

Country/region: Global
Photo of National Director of Policy and Cooperation, MOH Timor-Leste, Narciso Fernandes

The ministry of health tracks more than 80 indicators to guide decision making on health programs in Timor-Leste. This training helps guarantee quality of data in the system. 

Country/region: Timor-Leste

In this video, learn how Colombia is strengthening HSS through: strengthening governance, promoting sustainable financing, accessing the provision of health services, and emergency response.

Country/region: Colombia

LHSS has conducted a review of the information systems of countries along the migration route, as well as the mandates and roles of subregional platforms and supranational agencies related to the cross-border exchange of health information.

Country/region: Peru
Success Story

LHSS is supporting local government institutions in Bangladesh’s densely populated Rajshahi and Sylhet Divisions to expand access to primary health services and reduce out-of-pocket expenditures for low-income urban residents. 

Country/region: Bangladesh
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

This is the first study to assess, with validated methodology and questionnaires, the perception that patients and health professionals have about the ease of use, usefulness, and general satisfaction of an application for the registration of healthcare information created by MINSA. 

Country/region: Peru

​​​For countries wanting to strengthen health budget execution, learning about promising approaches used by others is one thing but putting them into practice is another. This blog reveals how two countries, Lao PDR and Peru, adapted promising practices and began to implement them.

Country/region: GlobalLaosPeru
EA Landscape analysis report

This analysis establishes a baseline understanding of current cross-border health challenges and opportunities, and identifies organizational and technical capacity gaps to address within key stakeholders that are leading cross-border health initiatives.

Country/region: East Africa
five lessons blog

How can countries make progress towards good health budget execution? In this latest blog in our budget execution series, ministry of health practitioners from eight countries offer lessons based on their own experiences and shared learning. 

Country/region: Global
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

This report presents findings from LHSS Vietnam's international review of diagnosis-related group contracts and provides a series of evaluations and recommendations.

Country/region: Vietnam
A woman in a yellow dress holding a baby in a bright blue shirt. Both are smiling.

Through an LHSS-Joint Learning Network learning exchange, health practitioners from seven countries are sharing successful experiences and promising practices to institutionalize explicit national priority-setting processes for health. The goal? To help countries set equitable national health priorities and ensure that these priorities are reflected in national health plans and budgets.

Country/region: Global
Photo of participants

U.S. Charge d’ Affaires Tom Daley and USAID Mission Director Zema Semunegus join the representative from local nongovernmental organizations and the Ministry of Health to launch the Heath Advocacy Network of Timor-Leste (REBAS- TL).

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Screen shot of brief

This brief shares insights from LHSS’s review of Timor-Leste’s thriving landscape of civil society organizations (CSOs), with a focus on those that are active in the health sector.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
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This short document provides an English-language summary of the key findings and recommendations of the LHSS Colombia Activity’s full, Spanish-language report “Recommendations on Strengthening the PAIWEB Information System, Focused on Migrants.”

Country/region: Colombia

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