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ICU nurse checks IV.
Success Story

A quality improvement initiative underway at Jordan’s Al Karak Hospital is reducing medication errors and optimizing treatment for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Country/region: Jordan
jordan success story
Success Story

Training in advanced cardiovascular life support is helping Jordanian health care professionals save more lives. “I dream of going one week without a single death,” says an ICU nurse.

Country/region: Jordan
Face Sheet LHSS Central Asia
Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides a summary of activity progress in Central Asia as well as results and impact.

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This report describes the multidisciplinary team approach, and presents guidelines for establishing, training, and monitoring and evaluating multidisciplinary teams.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
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This report describes several business processes that will be key to operationalizing Jordan’s continuing professional development (CPD) and relicensing system for health care providers.

Country/region: Jordan
Knowledge Areas: Health Systems Resilience
Photo of woman facilitating a training session
Success Story

Health workers play a central role not only in providing continued care for COVID-19 patients, but also in promoting vaccination and combating misinformation, with evidence-based health education. 

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Screen shot of report cover

This short document describes support provided by the LHSS Project for grantee and Ministry of Health communications activities in Jordan in fiscal years 2020 and 2021.

Country/region: Jordan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
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LHSS is supporting the Government of Jordan in institutionalizing CPD and developed this private sector engagement strategy to identify opportunities for engaging the private sector in the provision of CPD.

Country/region: Jordan
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This report discusses current processes for continuing professional development within the Ministry of Health’s Directorate for Licensing Professionals and Health Institutions and other stakeholder organizations.

Country/region: Jordan
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The LHSS Project carried out a literature review and conducted face-to-face interviews with Jordan’s main health professional associations to discuss the status of arrears and potential solutions.

Country/region: Jordan
Logo of Diagnostics Journal

Qaqish B, Sallam M, Al-Khateeb M, Reisdorf E, Mahafzah A. Assessment of COVID-19 Molecular Testing Capacity in Jordan: A Cross-Sectional Study at the Country Level. Diagnostics. 2022; 12(4):909.

Country/region: Jordan
Healthcare worker online training Dania
Success Story

Online courses cover mental health, patients with disabilities, counseling, and more

Country/region: Jordan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
Photo of call center nurse in front of laptop
Success Story

Patients in Jordan grateful for telecounseling calls

Country/region: Jordan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
Cholopon at Desk - Resized
Success Story

The Universal Nurse Model merges functions of three types of physician-directed nurses into one patient-centered nursing role, allowing better health outcomes with the same number of doctors and nurses.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19

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