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An image of government officials from Jamaica. As part of a One Health launch event officials gather to showcase progress.

The Government of Jamaica and LHSS officially launch One Health approach in Kingston, focusing on intersectoral collaboration to address health threats across sectors.

Country/region: Jamaica
A DrugsExpress delivery bike outside the company’s headquarters in Kampala
Success Story

With a small grant and technical support from LHSS, a Ugandan pharmacy and logistics company, MM Partners Logistics Ltd., expanded its e-Pharmacy platform to include more family planning products and increased the capacity of its dispensing staff to provide better counsel to clients on reproductive health and family planning. 

Country/region: Global
Screen shot of cover

.A validated, streamlined set of metrics can help the HIV community drive toward such a “people-centered” orientation and advance the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS’ 2025 target of linking at least 90% of people living with HIV and people at risk to people-centered and context-specific integrated services.

Country/region: Global
Image of Jordan stakeholders at an accreditation ceremony.

LHSS Jordan collaborated with the Laboratories Directorate to deliver a robust capacity-building program, equipping staff with essential training and preparing laboratories for accreditation. This effort included implementing an integrated quality management system that aligns with international accreditation standards

Country/region: Jordan
Colombia Valoracion

El documento presenta una evaluación de la metodología desarrollada para apoyar a los prestadores de servicios de salud en el uso de una herramienta web. Esta herramienta permite analizar la capacidad instalada y suficiencia para la implementación de las Rutas Integrales de Atención en Salud (RIAS), específicamente las rutas de Promoción y Mantenimiento de la Salud (RPMS) y Materno-Perinatal (RIAMP). La metodología fue validada en cinco territorios priorizados: Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cúcuta, Riohacha y Santa Marta. Los resultados mostraron una alta aprobación de los materiales y sesiones de asistencia técnica, con un 92,9% de los participantes calificando positivamente. Se destacaron recomendaciones para mejorar el proceso, como asegurar la disponibilidad de tiempo para los participantes y garantizar el acceso a la herramienta durante las sesiones. La metodología validada será utilizada por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social para apoyar a los prestadores en la implementación de las RIAS

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Capacity Strengthening
Validation of tech summary Colombia

The Comprehensive Healthcare Pathways (RIAS) are policy instruments used to deliver primary health care services in Colombia, with a focus on two priority pathways - Health Promotion and Prevention (RPMS) and Maternal-Perinatal Health Care (RIAMP). To support implementation, the Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) project developed a web tool for analyzing primary care providers' capacity to deliver these pathways. LHSS then created and validated a methodology for the Ministry of Health to provide technical assistance to providers on using this tool. The validation was conducted in three phases across five territories, involving developing materials, testing with provider teams, and incorporating feedback. Results showed high approval ratings for the technical assistance sessions, with over 90% of participants agreeing or strongly agreeing with positive statements about the methodology. Some recommendations were made to improve the process, such as ensuring participant availability and tailoring content to different provider types. 

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Capacity Strengthening
Image of Jordan stakeholders at graduation ceremony for Adult Critical Care Fellowship Graduates

The Jordan Medical Council, in collaboration with LHSS Jordan, celebrated the institutionalization of the Adult Critical Care Fellowship Program. 

Country/region: Jordan
Mr. Albert Tjaronda, Chief Health Programme Officer: Policy and Planning, MOHSS , discusses the resource tracking process in Namibia to-date and the necessity of this data to inform policy and planning decisions.

Namibia's Ministry of Health and Social Services conducted a workshop to map health and HIV expenditures using a combined System of Health Accounts and National AIDS Spending Assessment approach.

Country/region: Namibia
Stakeholders at event celebrating collaboration between LHSS Colombia and Novartis

LHSS Colombia collaborates with Novartis to create an alliance focused on training health professionals to improve early detection of chronic diseases, ensure accurate diagnostics, provide up-to-date treatments, and offer comprehensive care and emotional support.

Country/region: Colombia
COP of Nigeria during the LHSS workshop

LHSS Nigeria recently held a peer learning workshop in Abuja. The primary goal of the workshop was to evaluate and identify areas for improving health system performance influenced by LHSS initiatives. Participants collaborated in thematic groups, focusing on key performance determinants and sharing valuable lessons learned. This collaborative effort aimed to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of health system interventions in Nigeria.

Country/region: Nigeria
A group photo of participants after the training session

The Forum of CEOs of State Social Health Insurance Agencies in Nigeria, supported by LHSS, trained 14 newly appointed SSHIA CEOs from various states. Experienced CEOs and health experts shared insights on managing health insurance ecosystems, advancing Universal Health Coverage (UHC), leveraging ICT, and stakeholder management. The sessions, particularly beneficial for those without a health insurance background, aim to foster cross-learning and support Nigeria's goal of achieving UHC by 2030.

Country/region: Nigeria
Namibia UHC Policy Brief

This policy brief proposes that Namibia should prioritize strengthening the tax-funded public health system provided through the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) as the backbone of its UHC financing approach over other pooling options.

Country/region: Namibia
Attendees of the Global Knowledge Workshop in Namibia

LHSS Namibia recently hosted a global knowledge workshop in collaboration with key public and private sector stakeholders. This comprehensive session allowed participants to delve into factors behind recent improvements and to strategize on sustaining and scaling these successes.

Country/region: Namibia
Acknowledgement and handshake between the representatives of the Minister of Health.

The Ministry of Health in Madagascar, with support from LHSS and WHO, launched the 2022 Health Accounts exercise, a milestone for regular health resource tracking.

Country/region: Madagascar

LSACA, in collaboration with the Local Health System Sustainability Project, recently organized a two-day Annual Operational Development Plan workshop.

Country/region: Nigeria
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: HIV/AIDS

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