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An image of government officials from Jamaica. As part of a One Health launch event officials gather to showcase progress.

The Government of Jamaica and LHSS officially launch One Health approach in Kingston, focusing on intersectoral collaboration to address health threats across sectors.

Country/region: Jamaica
A DrugsExpress delivery bike outside the company’s headquarters in Kampala
Success Story

With a small grant and technical support from LHSS, a Ugandan pharmacy and logistics company, MM Partners Logistics Ltd., expanded its e-Pharmacy platform to include more family planning products and increased the capacity of its dispensing staff to provide better counsel to clients on reproductive health and family planning. 

Country/region: Global
Photo of attendees, speaking during the closing ceremony.

Featured as part of the Closing Ceremony for the Activity in June 2024, this video highlights work of the USAID Health System Sustainability Activity in supporting Timor-Leste build a self-reliant health system that is well-governed, efficient, accountable, and responsive to people’s needs.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Screen shot of dashboard

With investment of nearly $60 million, LHSS supported USAID's COVID-19 response in 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, between March 2020 and September 2023. 

Country/region: Global
Namibia SOP Training teaser

The Ministry of Health and Social Services gathered stakeholders at Midgard Country Estate to consult on standard operating procedures for social contracting. The goal:  reach consensus on implementation plans and outline the path ahead, encompassing regional dissemination, pilot planning, and early implementation phases scheduled for later in the year.

Country/region: Namibia
seventh aunnaul health financing forum

The World Bank, USAID and the Global Financing Facility (GFF), will host the 7th Annual Health Financing Forum (AHFF7) on April 15 to 17, 2024, on the sidelines of the 2024 World Bank/IMF spring meetings.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
Tajikistan community leaders help to improve community health

Religious leaders and community health workers collaborated to promote COVID-19 vaccination in two regions of Tajikistan.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19

Explore how the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Namibia, with support from the LHSS Project, is transforming health care access through the revised Essential Health Services Package.

Country/region: Namibia
Kazakhstan Meeting 2.9

With LHSS support, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted an Interagency Technical Working Group Coordination Meeting in Astana. Ministries of Health, Veterinary Services, Agriculture, and Ecology, alongside international organizations, discussed collaborative preparedness, human resource capacity for One Health, and joint disease investigation. 

Country/region: Kazakhstan
Tajikistan news story

With support from USAID’s LHSS Project, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population (MOHSPP) in Tajikistan strengthened Tajikistan’s national laboratory system and supported the country’s COVID-19 Country Preparedness and Response Plan.

Country/region: Tajikistan

The 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR 2024) will be held in Nagasaki, Japan, from November 18 to 22, 2024.

Country/region: Global
Operationalizing the National Quality Policy and Strategy: Review of Progress in 37 Countries

LHSS conducted a study of 37 countries to provide a better understanding of the strengths, opportunities, and gaps in the structures governing the provision of quality health services.

Country/region: Global
Development and Implementation of the National Quality Policy and Strategy Experience from Rwanda and Zambia

This report details case studies from Rwanda and Zambia which offer unique insights into the operationalization of National Quality Policies and Strategy (NQPS) within broader governance and quality of care reforms.

Country/region: Global
Nigeria news story teaser image

Agencies that rarely communicated joined hands last year to make sure poor and vulnerable residents are identified for assistance programs.

Country/region: Nigeria

USAID nia Atividade ba Sustentabilidade Sistema Saúde iha Timor-Leste nia objetivu mak atu fortalese governasaun setor saúde, dezenvolve mekanismu ba finansiamentu saúde ida ne’ebe sustentável, fortalese jestaun forsa traballu saúde, promove hahalok saudavel, no mobiliza sosiedade sivil.

Country/region: Timor-Leste

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