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bangladesh success story
Success Story

In a municipality where over 100,000 people had no access to basic health services, stakeholders joined together to open a primary health center that now serves thousands of households.  

Country/region: Bangladesh
Bangladesh MSC infographic

The Most Significant Change (MSC) is a complexity-aware monitoring approach that helps us track and understand important changes happening in systems, practices, organizations, and people. LHSS Bangladesh has applied this MSC tool to identify, evaluate, and understand the most substantial changes within our primary health care system functions. 

Country/region: Bangladesh

This learning brief captures LHSS’s experience in supporting municipal-level partners through the contracting process and distills emerging lessons to inspire other municipalities to pursue public-private partnerships as a vehicle for expanding access to urban PHC services.

Country/region: Bangladesh

This brief presents what LHSS has learned through applying a systems thinking approach to its support for HSCs’ advocacy efforts in expanding PHC services in urban Bangladesh.

Country/region: Bangladesh
Multidisciplinary Teams and the Universal Nurse Model Strengthening the Kyrgyz Republic's Health System
Success Story

The COVID-19 pandemic placed extraordinary stress on the Kyrgyz Republic’s health system and health care providers, revealing the need for new approaches that would address the immediate needs brought on by the pandemic and contribute to the country’s health system resilience.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Assessment of Liquid Oxygen Capabilities and Availability for Use in Medical Facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic

This report presents findings from December 2022 assessment of medical-grade liquid oxygen capabilities and availability for use in health facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Equitable Access to and Delivery of COVID-19 Vaccines: Strengthening the Cold Chain System in the Kyrgyz Republic

This brief presents work completed under the LHSS Kyrgyz Republic Activity Intervention 4: Enhance Cold Chain System. LHSS worked with key government stakeholders, including the Republican Center of Immunoprophylaxis, to digitalize and update components of the country’s vaccine registry and complement these updates by adding additional functionalities for cold chain tracking and management.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Success Story

LHSS is supporting local government institutions in Bangladesh’s densely populated Rajshahi and Sylhet Divisions to expand access to primary health services and reduce out-of-pocket expenditures for low-income urban residents. 

Country/region: Bangladesh
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

This brief highlights learnings from working with local government leaders of two city corporations and ten district-level municipalities from the Rajshahi and Sylhet divisions in Bangladesh.

Country/region: Bangladesh
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

In Bangladesh, LHSS has built relationships with ministries, departments, and development partners to support its objective of assisting urban primary health care delivery. This newsletter provides detailed information about the latest news, updates, and activities in Bangladesh.

Country/region: Bangladesh
Face Sheet LHSS Central Asia
Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides a summary of activity progress in Central Asia as well as results and impact.

Screen shot of report cover

LHSS Kyrgyz Team presents findings from August 2021 assessment of Kyrgyz Republic's state-run Laboratory for Virologic and Molecular Genetic Studies.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Health worker with GeneXpert machine

This assistance is provided under USAID’s Local Health System Sustainability program. Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, USAID has provided more than $7 million USD to help the Kyrgyz Republic fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Fact Sheet

LHSS worked from April 2020 to November 2022 to address the immediate needs of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic related to prevention, detection, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This fact sheet summarizes focus areas, results, and impact.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic

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