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A DrugsExpress delivery bike outside the company’s headquarters in Kampala
Success Story

With a small grant and technical support from LHSS, a Ugandan pharmacy and logistics company, MM Partners Logistics Ltd., expanded its e-Pharmacy platform to include more family planning products and increased the capacity of its dispensing staff to provide better counsel to clients on reproductive health and family planning. 

Country/region: Global
ICU nurse checks IV.
Success Story

A quality improvement initiative underway at Jordan’s Al Karak Hospital is reducing medication errors and optimizing treatment for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Country/region: Jordan
Photo of attendees, speaking during the closing ceremony.

Featured as part of the Closing Ceremony for the Activity in June 2024, this video highlights work of the USAID Health System Sustainability Activity in supporting Timor-Leste build a self-reliant health system that is well-governed, efficient, accountable, and responsive to people’s needs.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Nigeria success story Feb 22
Success Story

Improved referral system helps those experiencing poverty in Nasarawa State to better access to secondary care.

Country/region: Nigeria
Timor-Leste health workforce success story
Success Story

Health workers are welcoming new policies that promote equitable access to employment, professional development, and promotion opportunities.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Jamaica public-private partnership overcome covid19 teaser
Success Story

Two years ago, as it struggled to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus and get people vaccinated, the Government of Jamaica turned to private health care providers for help. The results went well beyond its expectations.

Country/region: Jamaica
tajikistan video5

The video provides evidence-based information about COVID-19 vaccination to decrease vaccine hesitancy among women. It discusses the importance and benefits of vaccination for women and their families.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
tajikistan video4

The video includes an explanation of the importance of COVID-19 boosters by the United States-based expert Dr. Arash Alaei. Dr. Alaei is a general physician who had been a consultant for the World Health Organization and the Tajikistan Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
tajikistan video3

This video portrays the experience of a family in which a daughter was dealing with vaccine side effects. It provides guidance on how to react to possible side effects and what to do to recover from them.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
tajikistan video2

The video explains immunity and illustrates why maintaining healthy lifestyles is important.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
tajikistan video1

The video includes evidence-based information about vaccination against COVID-19 and the importance of booster shots for women, youth, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
afghanistan ss
Success Story

In the wake of recent political conflicts and global sanctions, Afghan women once again have access to family planning and maternal and child health products, thanks to the devoted efforts of a private social marketing organization.

Country/region: Afghanistan
Multidisciplinary Teams and the Universal Nurse Model Strengthening the Kyrgyz Republic's Health System
Success Story

The COVID-19 pandemic placed extraordinary stress on the Kyrgyz Republic’s health system and health care providers, revealing the need for new approaches that would address the immediate needs brought on by the pandemic and contribute to the country’s health system resilience.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Success Story

Health personnel and teachers team up to increase COVID-19 vaccination coverage among families and children through a campaign to counter myths inhibiting community uptake.

Country/region: Peru
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
Success Story

A Timorese NGO is helping the Ministry of Health provide accurate information about the COVID-19 vaccine, resulting in increased vaccination in target municipalities.

Country/region: Timor-Leste

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