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ukraine telemedicine 3

Russia’s full-scale military invasion of Ukraine has created unprecedented challenges for the country’s health care system. Significant destruction of health care infrastructure has limited access to health services, and massive displacements of people have significantly complicated the process of providing and receiving health services. This context has given rise to an urgent need to provide health services, especially in remote and frontline areas where traditional in-person access to health services is severely limited or impossible.

This report analyzes the experience of introducing telemedicine solutions with the technical assistance of LHSS in Ukraine. It highlights the results, analyzes the experience, and presents best practices, challenges, and lessons learned. Additionally, this report provides recommendations for further utilization of extant and future telemedicine solutions both during martial law and after its repeal. The information presented in the report is intended to be useful for central and local authorities, health facilities, and telemedicine solution providers. It will also be of interest to those who wish to start using telemedicine solutions in the delivery of health services.

Country/region: Ukraine
Knowledge Areas: Health Systems Resilience
ukraine telemedicine 2

Russia’s full-scale military invasion of Ukraine has created unprecedented challenges for the country’s health care system. Significant destruction of health care infrastructure has limited access to health services, and massive displacements of people have significantly complicated the process of providing and receiving health services. This context has given rise to an urgent need to provide health services, especially in remote and frontline areas where traditional in-person access to health services is severely limited or impossible.

This report analyzes the experience of introducing telemedicine solutions with the technical assistance of LHSS in Ukraine. It highlights the results, analyzes the experience, and presents best practices, challenges, and lessons learned. Additionally, this report provides recommendations for further utilization of extant and future telemedicine solutions both during martial law and after its repeal. The information presented in the report is intended to be useful for central and local authorities, health facilities, and telemedicine solution providers. It will also be of interest to those who wish to start using telemedicine solutions in the delivery of health services.

Country/region: Ukraine
Knowledge Areas: Health Systems Resilience
Jamaica public-private partnership overcome covid19 teaser
Success Story

Two years ago, as it struggled to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus and get people vaccinated, the Government of Jamaica turned to private health care providers for help. The results went well beyond its expectations.

Country/region: Jamaica

This document explores the issues facing the Timorese health system, identifies the existing mechanisms for engagement between the MoH and CSOs, and offers recommendations to improve the engagement.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Bangladesh MSC infographic

The Most Significant Change (MSC) is a complexity-aware monitoring approach that helps us track and understand important changes happening in systems, practices, organizations, and people. LHSS Bangladesh has applied this MSC tool to identify, evaluate, and understand the most substantial changes within our primary health care system functions. 

Country/region: Bangladesh
Fundación Sidoc

This Spanish document summarizes the impact and learnings of the intervention Forging Healthy Environments carried out by the Sidoc Foundation for the strengthening of socio-emotional and citizenship skills.

Country/region: Colombia
Multidisciplinary Teams and the Universal Nurse Model Strengthening the Kyrgyz Republic's Health System
Success Story

The COVID-19 pandemic placed extraordinary stress on the Kyrgyz Republic’s health system and health care providers, revealing the need for new approaches that would address the immediate needs brought on by the pandemic and contribute to the country’s health system resilience.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Assessment of Liquid Oxygen Capabilities and Availability for Use in Medical Facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic

This report presents findings from December 2022 assessment of medical-grade liquid oxygen capabilities and availability for use in health facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Success Story

New capacities in delivering remote care are saving lives and strengthening Ukraine's health system resilience. 

Country/region: Ukraine

This document describes the process to be followed for the regular revisions of the EHSP and presents important elements that support the updating, so that an EHSP that is a sustainable, equitable, and accessible—within financial and other constraints—is delivered to the population.

Country/region: Namibia

LHSS supported the MSPS to develop guidelines and recommendations not only for the provision of care, but also for rehabilitation and for health workers’ occupational safety and health. Once the protocols are adopted by administrative act, the MSPS will be responsible for the dissemination process. LHSS Colombia, as part of its transition plan, will be ready to support the process of disseminating the protocols to human resources for health working at the basic level of care in the prioritized territories.

Country/region: Colombia
Woman with computer
Success Story

Ukraine prioritizes telemedicine as part of its comprehensive health reform to increase transparency of health service provision, expand access to quality health services, and enhance efficiency in the health sector.

Country/region: Ukraine
Knowledge Areas: Health Systems Resilience

One-page document outlining key findings and actionable insights related to health financing strategies from the USAID Health System Sustainability Activity in Timor-Leste.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

In Bangladesh, LHSS has built relationships with ministries, departments, and development partners to support its objective of assisting urban primary health care delivery. This newsletter provides detailed information about the latest news, updates, and activities in Bangladesh.

Country/region: Bangladesh
Screen shot of report cover

LHSS Kyrgyz Team presents findings from August 2021 assessment of Kyrgyz Republic's state-run Laboratory for Virologic and Molecular Genetic Studies.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic

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