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An image of government officials from Jamaica. As part of a One Health launch event officials gather to showcase progress.

The Government of Jamaica and LHSS officially launch One Health approach in Kingston, focusing on intersectoral collaboration to address health threats across sectors.

Country/region: Jamaica
Image of Jordan stakeholders at an accreditation ceremony.

LHSS Jordan collaborated with the Laboratories Directorate to deliver a robust capacity-building program, equipping staff with essential training and preparing laboratories for accreditation. This effort included implementing an integrated quality management system that aligns with international accreditation standards

Country/region: Jordan
Photo of two women looking at data sheets

While health systems practitioners aren’t going out to sea with men named Ishmael, we chase our own white whale: evidence. Evidence that health systems interventions impact the availability, affordability, and accessibility of healthcare.

Country/region: Global
Image of Jordan stakeholders at graduation ceremony for Adult Critical Care Fellowship Graduates

The Jordan Medical Council, in collaboration with LHSS Jordan, celebrated the institutionalization of the Adult Critical Care Fellowship Program. 

Country/region: Jordan
LHSS Colombia and stakeholders pose for a picture at an event.

LHSS Colombia and stakeholders held the "First District Forum for the Humanization of Health Services" in Cartegena. The forum united health experts from the academic and public sectors to share strategies and best practices for humanizing health services in Cartagena, a key commitment of the "Cartagena, City of Rights" Development Plan.

Country/region: Colombia
Photo of training attendees

Creating a network with interoperable data management systems holds great potential to revolutionize Cambodia’s entire social safety-net ecosystem, providing improved efficiency for policymakers, implementing organizations, service providers, as well banks that subsidize services. 

Country/region: Cambodia
Colombia journalists receive equity training

LHSS Colombia provided training for journalists and social organization representatives to enhance their understanding of the right to health for migrants and returned Colombians, promoting narratives focused on gender and social inclusion.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
Screen shot of webpage header

Out of 109 submissions, we are honored that LHSS Colombia's submission, A Model of Social Innovation in Health Care Systems for Reducing Severe Maternal Morbidity, was selected as one of three winners in the 2024 case competition.  

Photo of attendees arriving at closing ceremony

As USAID’s flagship health initiative in Timor-Leste, the USAID Health System Sustainability Activity made significant contributions over the past four years, strengthening Timor-Leste's health system in financing, governance, and service delivery.  Key achievements include the advancement of health system governance, establishment of a Health Financing Unit (HFU) to oversee the Timor-Leste Health Financing Strategy, and creation of the Health Management Information System (HMIS) Technical Working Group to ensure ongoing data quality improvement.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Screen shot of dashboard

With investment of nearly $60 million, LHSS supported USAID's COVID-19 response in 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, between March 2020 and September 2023. 

Country/region: Global
Stakeholders at event celebrating collaboration between LHSS Colombia and Novartis

LHSS Colombia collaborates with Novartis to create an alliance focused on training health professionals to improve early detection of chronic diseases, ensure accurate diagnostics, provide up-to-date treatments, and offer comprehensive care and emotional support.

Country/region: Colombia
COP of Nigeria during the LHSS workshop

LHSS Nigeria recently held a peer learning workshop in Abuja. The primary goal of the workshop was to evaluate and identify areas for improving health system performance influenced by LHSS initiatives. Participants collaborated in thematic groups, focusing on key performance determinants and sharing valuable lessons learned. This collaborative effort aimed to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of health system interventions in Nigeria.

Country/region: Nigeria
A group photo of participants after the training session

The Forum of CEOs of State Social Health Insurance Agencies in Nigeria, supported by LHSS, trained 14 newly appointed SSHIA CEOs from various states. Experienced CEOs and health experts shared insights on managing health insurance ecosystems, advancing Universal Health Coverage (UHC), leveraging ICT, and stakeholder management. The sessions, particularly beneficial for those without a health insurance background, aim to foster cross-learning and support Nigeria's goal of achieving UHC by 2030.

Country/region: Nigeria
Attendees of the Global Knowledge Workshop in Namibia

LHSS Namibia recently hosted a global knowledge workshop in collaboration with key public and private sector stakeholders. This comprehensive session allowed participants to delve into factors behind recent improvements and to strategize on sustaining and scaling these successes.

Country/region: Namibia
Acknowledgement and handshake between the representatives of the Minister of Health.

The Ministry of Health in Madagascar, with support from LHSS and WHO, launched the 2022 Health Accounts exercise, a milestone for regular health resource tracking.

Country/region: Madagascar

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