Resource Center


Learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the LHSS Project. We invite you to search LHSS knowledge products and resources for the latest approaches, insights, and learning in the field of integrated health systems strengthening. 


Photo of training attendees

Creating a network with interoperable data management systems holds great potential to revolutionize Cambodia’s entire social safety-net ecosystem, providing improved efficiency for policymakers, implementing organizations, service providers, as well banks that subsidize services. 

Country/region: Cambodia
Screen shot of cover

With increased migration around the world posing unique challenges and opportunities for health systems, efforts to better integrate and include migrants and host communities in national health systems are an integral part of the global health equity agenda. 

Country/region: GlobalColombiaPeru
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Screen shot of cover

This brief introduces implementation research as an effective means to addressing health equity challenges and offers country examples illustrating how the approach can enhance equity in the broader context of health system strengthening.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Equity
Webinar title, date and time

Join us as we discuss key questions regarding the integration of migrants into national health systems, considerations for migrants and host communities, and strategies for promoting health equity.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Screen shot of cover

With increased migration around the world posing unique challenges and opportunities for health systems, efforts to better integrate and include migrants and host communities in national health systems are an integral part of the global health equity agenda. 

Country/region: GlobalColombiaPeru
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Colombia GESI

In the webinar, an introduction to Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) approaches was presented. A panel of experts discussed GESI approaches that ensures the right to health for migrants, returning Colombians, and host communities.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Equity
afghanistan ss
Success Story

In the wake of recent political conflicts and global sanctions, Afghan women once again have access to family planning and maternal and child health products, thanks to the devoted efforts of a private social marketing organization.

Country/region: Afghanistan
6/14 webinar LAC

Join LHSS and the P4H Network on June 14 as we hear from local, national, and regional institutions working to advance social health protection for women and children in high migration contexts.

Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Bangladesh budget allocation story
Success Story

New efforts will make health care more affordable for residents in 10 municipalities.

Country/region: Bangladesh
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

This technical guidance document provides a summary of principal findings that highlight those complex factors including a literature review, surveys, resource mapping, case studies including key informant interviews, and the development of a theory of change.

Country/region: Global
Cover page with USAID logo and title of report

The case study in Senegal focused on practical experiences and lessons learned when expanding financial protection to socially excluded and vulnerable groups.

Country/region: Global
Cover page with USAID logo and title of case study

The case study shows the literature and previous work on health equity to identify promising approaches and strategies from Senegal’s experience to ensure more equitable financial protection, particularly for underserved and socially excluded populations.

Country/region: Global
health worker in PPE analyzing a COVID-19 test

By now, much has been written about the egregious global inequities in COVID-19 vaccine distribution. But less has been said about another inequity that holds serious implications for global health: the disparities in genomic sequencing capacities and capabilities worldwide.

Country/region: GlobalKazakhstan
Knowledge Areas: Equity Health Area: COVID-19
GESI Cover

This strategy document lays out how the LHSS Project will support country partners in moving towards greater gender sensitivity, responsiveness, and ultimately transformation in their health systems.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Equity
Ethnic pride_Cartegena_ACDI VOCA-David Osorio CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

It is easy to fall back on the habit of using catchall terms like “vulnerable groups” to refer to many different people, but relying on these terms can have a harmful unintended consequence.  

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Equity

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