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Proceso de Pilotaje de la Herramienta

This annex of the report "Adaptation and Validation of the Primary Health Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) in Colombia" serves to adapt and validate the tool (PCAT) to the Colombian context to know and monitor the progress of the implementation of PHC Primary Health Care.

Country/region: Colombia
Summary Adapting and Validating the Primary Health Care Assessment Tool in Colombia

​​​​​​​This document describes the interventions implemented by the Local Health System Sustainability Project (LHSS) to evaluate and modify the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) for Colombia and create an application to compile and analyze data from the tool’s surveys. This tool and its application will help health providers to access data on Primary Health Care (PHC) services, which can be used to improve decision-making and policy formulation within the health care sector. This is an English language summary of the full report, which is available in Spanish.

Country/region: Colombia
Adaptación y validación de la herramienta de evaluación de la Atención Primaria en Salud (PCAT)1 en Colombia

This Spanish report addresses the adaptation and validation of the Primary Health Care Evaluation (PCAT) tool in Colombia. In the context of the reform of the General Social Security System in Health and the Primary Health Care (PHC) strategy, it focuses on the relevance of health education and the implementation of comprehensive service networks. 

Country/region: Colombia
chw brief

This brief identifies systems considerations for CHW career progression, including health workforce education and training, regulation and policy, management, and financing.

Country/region: Global

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), with support from LHSS, commenced the first Technical Workshop on strengthening domestication and implementation of regional Health cross–border policies, in Bishoftu, Ethiopia.

Country/region: East Africa

The Lagos State Civil Society Participation for Development (LACSOP) with support from LHSS held a budget consultative forum with civil society organizations across the state to discuss key recommendations for the Lagos State 2024 health budget. 


Country/region: Nigeria
TL SS internet
Success Story

Improved internet connectivity and capacity strengthening have increased timeliness and completeness of health data reporting in Timor-Leste. That makes all the difference for the country’s health officers.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Bangladesh MSC infographic

The Most Significant Change (MSC) is a complexity-aware monitoring approach that helps us track and understand important changes happening in systems, practices, organizations, and people. LHSS Bangladesh has applied this MSC tool to identify, evaluate, and understand the most substantial changes within our primary health care system functions. 

Country/region: Bangladesh
colombia mannual

This methodological and pedagogical manual offers guidelines for the development of the Health Education (EpS) process within the framework of the Comprehensive Health Care Routes (RIAS). These routes represent a significant shift in Colombia's public health policy by prioritizing health education. 

Country/region: Colombia
afghanistan factsheet
Fact Sheet

LHSS works with the private sector in Afghanistan to expand the scale, quality, accessibility, and affordability of health products and services for maternal and child health, family planning, tuberculosis, improved nutrition, and prevention of noncommunicable diseases.

Country/region: Afghanistan
phc colombia

A brief introduction to Primary Health Care (PHC) was presented, along with the tools for PHC implementation developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and local health authorities.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Primary Health Care
co video3

In this video, discover how local organizations in Cali work to strengthen capacity, promote sustainability, and improve access to health information related to the country’s health system.

Country/region: Colombia
Bangladesh FACTSHEET
Fact Sheet

LHSS Bnagladesh is helping to identify and implement localized solutions to ensure that urban residents can access and afford high-quality primary health care services.

Country/region: Bangladesh

To strengthen capacities and promote equitable access to the Colombian health care system, LHSS and the Healthy Communities program forged several high-impact partnerships in Bogotá. These partnerships focused on supporting the integration process of the migrant population, host communities, and returning Colombians into the country’s health system. This video highlights beneficiaries and partners impacted by this effort.

Country/region: Colombia
Bangladesh PHC news

The Local Government Division and LHSS organized a workshop on primary health care plans in Sylhet. This workshop sought to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and resource mobilization for the successful implementation of primary health care implementation plans within the urban areas of the country. 

Country/region: Bangladesh
Knowledge Areas: Primary Health Care

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