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Colombia Valoracion

El documento presenta una evaluación de la metodología desarrollada para apoyar a los prestadores de servicios de salud en el uso de una herramienta web. Esta herramienta permite analizar la capacidad instalada y suficiencia para la implementación de las Rutas Integrales de Atención en Salud (RIAS), específicamente las rutas de Promoción y Mantenimiento de la Salud (RPMS) y Materno-Perinatal (RIAMP). La metodología fue validada en cinco territorios priorizados: Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cúcuta, Riohacha y Santa Marta. Los resultados mostraron una alta aprobación de los materiales y sesiones de asistencia técnica, con un 92,9% de los participantes calificando positivamente. Se destacaron recomendaciones para mejorar el proceso, como asegurar la disponibilidad de tiempo para los participantes y garantizar el acceso a la herramienta durante las sesiones. La metodología validada será utilizada por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social para apoyar a los prestadores en la implementación de las RIAS

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Capacity Strengthening
Validation of tech summary Colombia

The Comprehensive Healthcare Pathways (RIAS) are policy instruments used to deliver primary health care services in Colombia, with a focus on two priority pathways - Health Promotion and Prevention (RPMS) and Maternal-Perinatal Health Care (RIAMP). To support implementation, the Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) project developed a web tool for analyzing primary care providers' capacity to deliver these pathways. LHSS then created and validated a methodology for the Ministry of Health to provide technical assistance to providers on using this tool. The validation was conducted in three phases across five territories, involving developing materials, testing with provider teams, and incorporating feedback. Results showed high approval ratings for the technical assistance sessions, with over 90% of participants agreeing or strongly agreeing with positive statements about the methodology. Some recommendations were made to improve the process, such as ensuring participant availability and tailoring content to different provider types. 

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Capacity Strengthening
Modelo de Relacionamiento del Prestador Primario para la Implementación de las Rutas Integrales de Atención en Salud

This Spanish document presents a model for strengthening the relationship of the actors involved in the implementation of two Comprehensive Health Care Routes (RIAS): the Comprehensive Care Route for the Promotion and Maintenance of Health (RPMS) and the Comprehensive Maternal and Perinatal Health Care Route (RIAMP). The model aims to ensure the successful implementation of the RIAS, which will strengthen the Colombian health system to provide comprehensive health care for Venezuelan migrants and host communities.

Country/region: Colombia
Resumen Ejecutivo: Modelo de Relacionamiento del Prestador Primario para la Implementación de las Rutas Integrales de Atención en Salud

This document presents a summary of the model for strengthening the relationship of the actors involved in the implementation of the Comprehensive Care Route for the Promotion and Maintenance of Health (RPMS) and the Comprehensive Maternal and Perinatal Health Care Route (RIAMP). A full report is also available in Spanish.

Country/region: Colombia
Primary Provider Relationship Model for Implementing Health Care Pathways in Colombia

This document proposes a model to improve the relationship among stakeholders involved in the implementation of two Comprehensive Healthcare Pathways (RIAS, as per its Spanish acronym) in Colombia: the Pathway for the Promotion and Maintenance of Healthcare (RPMS, as per its Spanish acronym) and the Pathway for Maternal and Perinatal Health Care (RIAMP, as per its Spanish acronym).

Country/region: Colombia
Asistencia Técnica en las Entidades Territoriales para el Proceso de Auditoría Integral de Cuentas Médicas

This Spanish report presents the work of USAID's Healthy Communities Program (LHSS Colombia) in supporting the MSPS in characterizing the medical account audit process.

Country/region: Colombia
Resumen Ejecutivo: Asistencia en las Entidades Territoriales para el Proceso de Auditoría Integral de Cuentas Médicas

This Spanish summary document describes the interventions implemented by USAID's Healthy Communities Program (LHSS Colombia) to strengthen the capacity of the Minister of Health and Social Protection (MSPS) and territorial governments to audit medical accounts. 

Country/region: Colombia
Summary: Supporting Colombia's Territorial Entities in the Comprehensive Audit of Medical Bills

This document describes the interventions implemented by LHSS Colombia to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MSPS) and the territorial governments to audit medical bills.

Country/region: Colombia
colombia mannual

This methodological and pedagogical manual offers guidelines for the development of the Health Education (EpS) process within the framework of the Comprehensive Health Care Routes (RIAS). These routes represent a significant shift in Colombia's public health policy by prioritizing health education. 

Country/region: Colombia

This document contains the impact and learnings of the intervention gestating lives and reaping a future carried out by Megasalud to design and implement initiatives for the strengthening of comprehensive health care for pregnant women, and Venezuelan migrants.

Country/region: Colombia

This Spanish document contains the impact and lessons learned from the intervention Strengthening Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Capacities carried out by Uniminuto to strengthen IEC processes in the communication offices of municipal, district or departmental health secretariats.

Country/region: Colombia

This Spanish document contains the impact and lessons learned from the health networks intervention carried out by Profamilia to strengthen the capacities and knowledge of 21 IPS in the cities of Bogotá – Soacha, Medellín, Cúcuta, Bucaramanga, Cali, Barranquilla, and Santa Marta.

Country/region: Colombia
Fundación Sidoc

This Spanish document summarizes the impact and learnings of the intervention Forging Healthy Environments carried out by the Sidoc Foundation for the strengthening of socio-emotional and citizenship skills.

Country/region: Colombia

The purpose of this report is to document the capacity strengthening process to promote the inclusion of the migrant population into the health system after almost one year of implementation. This process has already produced several products and results that can be replicated in other organizations and entities. The products and learnings here can be applied both for the inclusion of the migrant population into the health system and to strengthen the health system for the general population.

Country/region: Colombia

This Spanish document presents the main results and progress that were made toward sustainability. Notably, the process of strengthening organizational capacities of Healthy Communities is aligned with USAID's CLA1 management approach. This document will be constituted as a succinct report of the process of strengthening organizational capacities that serves as a reference and technical element of consultation that contribute to organizational development processes.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Capacity Strengthening

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