Resource Center


Learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the LHSS Project. We invite you to search LHSS knowledge products and resources for the latest approaches, insights, and learning in the field of integrated health systems strengthening. 


A DrugsExpress delivery bike outside the company’s headquarters in Kampala
Success Story

With a small grant and technical support from LHSS, a Ugandan pharmacy and logistics company, MM Partners Logistics Ltd., expanded its e-Pharmacy platform to include more family planning products and increased the capacity of its dispensing staff to provide better counsel to clients on reproductive health and family planning. 

Country/region: Global

This course is an interactive, four module, online self-study course on processes used by countries to set health priorities that are reflected in national health policies. Each module allows participants to engage with the materials and reflect on their own country’s context.

Country/region: Global
spotlight brief financial protection and SBC

This brief describes opportunities to improve financial protection programs using behavior change approaches. The Practice Spotlights Social and Behavior Change series supports USAID’s Vision for Health System Strengthening 2030 by exploring how social and behavior change approaches can contribute to countries’ health system strengthening efforts.

Country/region: Global
Estimating Pharmaceutical Expenditure Using the System of Health Accounts 2011 Framework: Draft Resource

LHSS partnered with colleagues working as part of the USAID MTaPS project to document a practical approach that countries can use to track pharmaceutical expenditure (PE) using the System of Health Accounts (SHA) 2011 framework. This resource contributes to efforts by the World Health Organization to develop global guidance on tracking of PE.

Country/region: Global
Pooling Reforms to Strengthen Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage

This brief focuses on how pooling arrangements—the way countries combine funding from different sources to spread the financial risk of needing to pay for health services—can be improved to accelerate progress toward UHC.

Country/region: Global
Logo for Montreux Collaborative Conference

LHSS presents on health budget execution at the Montreux Collaborative on Fiscal Space, Public Financial Management and Health Financing, November 13-17, 2023.

Country/region: Global
9/26 webinar

LHSS along with speakers from USAID and WHO reflected on strategies to ensure reliable funding for costing the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of a National Quality Policy and Strategy (NQPS).

Country/region: Global

This brief includes a global evidence review of DFS for health conducted by LHSS and an analysis of two programmatic case studies of DFS for health by Management Sciences for Health (MSH) through the Digital Square initiative.

Country/region: Global

This learning brief can be used as a resource for HRH managers, planners, program managers, and frontline practitioners to learn how other countries are approaching and successfully designing and implementing solutions to their HRH challenges. It can also be used as a reference for health policy makers, funders, and implementing partners to inform the design and implementation of HRH resource optimization initiatives covered in this brief.

Country/region: Global
Assessment of Liquid Oxygen Capabilities and Availability for Use in Medical Facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic

This report presents findings from December 2022 assessment of medical-grade liquid oxygen capabilities and availability for use in health facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Equitable Access to and Delivery of COVID-19 Vaccines: Strengthening the Cold Chain System in the Kyrgyz Republic

This brief presents work completed under the LHSS Kyrgyz Republic Activity Intervention 4: Enhance Cold Chain System. LHSS worked with key government stakeholders, including the Republican Center of Immunoprophylaxis, to digitalize and update components of the country’s vaccine registry and complement these updates by adding additional functionalities for cold chain tracking and management.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic

This Catalog allows practitioners to consider which interventions have more robust evidence bases to support their practical application, such as: enhancing worker and supervisor competencies through training, offering nonfinancial incentives for high performers, practicing task sharing to promote cost savings, implementing digital solutions to expand access to services, and reducing costs of procuring and distributing pharmaceutical products.

Country/region: Global

This primer is designed to help supply chain practitioners in governments, the private sector, donor agencies, and implementing partners understand the value of political economy analysis (PEA) and how it can help improve outcomes when implementing supply chain interventions and reforms. 

Country/region: Global

Join us to learn how thinking and working politically and using political economy analysis or PEA can strengthen efforts to reform health commodity supply chains.

Country/region: Global

To advance progress toward universal health coverage, agreed-upon health priorities need to be reflected in national plans and budgets. This blog offers key lessons for ministries of health seeking to make that happen.

Country/region: Global

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