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Mr. Albert Tjaronda, Chief Health Programme Officer: Policy and Planning, MOHSS , discusses the resource tracking process in Namibia to-date and the necessity of this data to inform policy and planning decisions.

LHSS Namibia and the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Namibia held a workshop with stakeholders to finalize documentation and proposed contracting arrangements for a social contracting pilot.

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With increased migration around the world posing unique challenges and opportunities for health systems, efforts to better integrate and include migrants and host communities in national health systems are an integral part of the global health equity agenda. 

Country/region: GlobalColombiaPeru
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Final Report RO Colombia

The report outlines the main strategies recommended to address technical inefficiencies and improve the health system's capacity to integrate the Venezuelan migrant population in Colombia.

Country/region: Colombia
Cover Page

El informe detalla los esfuerzos de LHSS desde 2020 hasta 2023 en colaboración con el Gobierno de Colombia para mejorar la prestación de servicios de salud a las poblaciones migrantes, con un enfoque en la sostenibilidad financiera. Al implementar la Guía de Eficiencia Técnica de Sistemas de Salud (GET) de USAID, el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, el Departamento Nacional de Planeación y LHSS, se buscó mejorar la eficiencia en la asignación de recursos dentro del sector salud. La GET, que incluye cuatro grupos analíticos tradicionales—prestación de servicios, fuerza laboral en salud, productos farmacéuticos y financiamiento y gobernanza—se amplió para incluir un quinto grupo, Sistemas de Información, para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de Colombia. LHSS adaptó la guía mediante análisis de expertos y discusiones participativas con actores clave para identificar ineficiencias y proponer recomendaciones prácticas. El informe detalla las principales estrategias recomendadas para abordar estas ineficiencias y mejorar la capacidad del sistema de salud para integrar a la población migrante venezolana. 

Country/region: Colombia
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This brief introduces implementation research as an effective means to addressing health equity challenges and offers country examples illustrating how the approach can enhance equity in the broader context of health system strengthening.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Equity
mental health colombia

In this webinar, pedagogical strategies for community-based approaches were presented by LHSS Colombia and academia, covering the context of community mental health and community-based mental health strategies. Additionally, healthcare providers shared their experiences with community networks for promoting and caring for mental health, specifically in the context of Cartagena.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Primary Health Care
Colombia journalists receive equity training

LHSS Colombia provided training for journalists and social organization representatives to enhance their understanding of the right to health for migrants and returned Colombians, promoting narratives focused on gender and social inclusion.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
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Out of 109 submissions, we are honored that LHSS Colombia's submission, A Model of Social Innovation in Health Care Systems for Reducing Severe Maternal Morbidity, was selected as one of three winners in the 2024 case competition.  

ICU nurse checks IV.
Success Story

A quality improvement initiative underway at Jordan’s Al Karak Hospital is reducing medication errors and optimizing treatment for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Country/region: Jordan
Photo of attendees arriving at closing ceremony

As USAID’s flagship health initiative in Timor-Leste, the USAID Health System Sustainability Activity made significant contributions over the past four years, strengthening Timor-Leste's health system in financing, governance, and service delivery.  Key achievements include the advancement of health system governance, establishment of a Health Financing Unit (HFU) to oversee the Timor-Leste Health Financing Strategy, and creation of the Health Management Information System (HMIS) Technical Working Group to ensure ongoing data quality improvement.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Photo of attendees, speaking during the closing ceremony.

Featured as part of the Closing Ceremony for the Activity in June 2024, this video highlights work of the USAID Health System Sustainability Activity in supporting Timor-Leste build a self-reliant health system that is well-governed, efficient, accountable, and responsive to people’s needs.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
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Watch the video recording of the Closing Ceremony for the Timor-Leste Activity, which was held in Dili on June 14, 2024.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Screen shot of dashboard

With investment of nearly $60 million, LHSS supported USAID's COVID-19 response in 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, between March 2020 and September 2023. 

Country/region: Global
Webinar title, date and time

Join us as we discuss key questions regarding the integration of migrants into national health systems, considerations for migrants and host communities, and strategies for promoting health equity.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Colombia antibiotics

In the webinar, the appropriate use of antibiotics within the framework of global health was discussed, and a panel was held with the Ministry of Health, hospitals from Medellín, and Cucuta to explain the proper use of antibiotics

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Primary Health Care

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