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Photo of training attendees

Creating a network with interoperable data management systems holds great potential to revolutionize Cambodia’s entire social safety-net ecosystem, providing improved efficiency for policymakers, implementing organizations, service providers, as well banks that subsidize services. 

Country/region: Cambodia
pse and finance colombia

In the session, lessons learned from interventions carried out within the framework of engagement with the private sector for strengthening the health sector were shared.

Country/region: Colombia
Bangladesh budget allocation story
Success Story

New efforts will make health care more affordable for residents in 10 municipalities.

Country/region: Bangladesh
Cover page with USAID logo and title of case study

The case study shows the literature and previous work on health equity to identify promising approaches and strategies from Senegal’s experience to ensure more equitable financial protection, particularly for underserved and socially excluded populations.

Country/region: Global
A woman in a yellow dress holding a baby in a bright blue shirt. Both are smiling.

Through an LHSS-Joint Learning Network learning exchange, health practitioners from seven countries are sharing successful experiences and promising practices to institutionalize explicit national priority-setting processes for health. The goal? To help countries set equitable national health priorities and ensure that these priorities are reflected in national health plans and budgets.

Country/region: Global
Screen shot of report cover

This report provides results and lessons learned from the LHSS Project’s review of existing literature on expanding financial protection to underserved and socially excluded populations in LMICs.

Country/region: Global

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