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Tajikistan news story

With support from USAID’s LHSS Project, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population (MOHSPP) in Tajikistan strengthened Tajikistan’s national laboratory system and supported the country’s COVID-19 Country Preparedness and Response Plan.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Tajikistan vaccine cold chain inventory assessment report

The assessment findings inform the MoHSPP and its international partners on interventions to improve the quality of vaccination services, not only for COVID-19 but beyond. This ultimately leads to increased access to improved services in Tajikistan.

Country/region: Tajikistan
afghanistan factsheet
Fact Sheet

LHSS works with the private sector in Afghanistan to expand the scale, quality, accessibility, and affordability of health products and services for maternal and child health, family planning, tuberculosis, improved nutrition, and prevention of noncommunicable diseases.

Country/region: Afghanistan

La boîte à outils vise à combler une lacune dans les conseils pratiques pour l’EPS dans les programmes de lutte contre le paludisme. Il contient des orientations, des ressources et des exemples étape par étape pour développer des activités d’ESP, dans le but global d’équiper les acteurs au niveau des pays pour stimuler une plus grande participation du secteur privé à la lutte et à l’élimination du paludisme et contribuer à des résultats durables au niveau local. La boîte à outils est disponible en anglais et en frech.

Country/region: Global

The toolkit aims to address a gap in practical guidance for PSE in malaria programming. It contains step-by-step guidance, resources, and examples for developing PSE activities, with the overall goal of equipping country-level actors to stimulate greater private sector participation in malaria control and elimination and contribute to locally sustained results. The toolkit is available in English and French.

Country/region: Global
afghanistan ss
Success Story

In the wake of recent political conflicts and global sanctions, Afghan women once again have access to family planning and maternal and child health products, thanks to the devoted efforts of a private social marketing organization.

Country/region: Afghanistan
Success Story

An estimated 170,000 people contract TB each year in Vietnam. The new e-LMIS system helps ensure a reliable drug supply for those who need treatment.

Country/region: Vietnam
Assessment of Liquid Oxygen Capabilities and Availability for Use in Medical Facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic

This report presents findings from December 2022 assessment of medical-grade liquid oxygen capabilities and availability for use in health facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Equitable Access to and Delivery of COVID-19 Vaccines: Strengthening the Cold Chain System in the Kyrgyz Republic

This brief presents work completed under the LHSS Kyrgyz Republic Activity Intervention 4: Enhance Cold Chain System. LHSS worked with key government stakeholders, including the Republican Center of Immunoprophylaxis, to digitalize and update components of the country’s vaccine registry and complement these updates by adding additional functionalities for cold chain tracking and management.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

LHSS conducted an assessment of the accuracy of drug scheduling tracking systems and developed recommendations to strengthen antiretroviral stockout and distribution monitoring.

Country/region: Peru

This Catalog allows practitioners to consider which interventions have more robust evidence bases to support their practical application, such as: enhancing worker and supervisor competencies through training, offering nonfinancial incentives for high performers, practicing task sharing to promote cost savings, implementing digital solutions to expand access to services, and reducing costs of procuring and distributing pharmaceutical products.

Country/region: Global

This primer is designed to help supply chain practitioners in governments, the private sector, donor agencies, and implementing partners understand the value of political economy analysis (PEA) and how it can help improve outcomes when implementing supply chain interventions and reforms. 

Country/region: Global

Join us to learn how thinking and working politically and using political economy analysis or PEA can strengthen efforts to reform health commodity supply chains.

Country/region: Global
Image of Vietnam's Q&A Document

This Question-and-Answer (Q&A) document covers commonly asked questions and answers on TB exams, treatment, and reimbursement through Social Health Insurance (SHI). It provides guidance to TB treatment facilities as they integrate SHI and transition TB treatment services into SHI. The document also includes hyperlinks as additional reference sources for readers.

Country/region: Vietnam
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: Tuberculosis
LHSS Supports Vietnam to Cover TB Drugs in National Health Insurance, Paving the Way for Sustainable TB Treatment  
Success Story

The Vietnam government transitions funding of TB treatment to the SHI fund with support from LHSS. This transition marks a critical milestone, ensuring uninterrupted access to life-saving treatment.

Country/region: Vietnam

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