Resource Center


Learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the LHSS Project. We invite you to search LHSS knowledge products and resources for the latest approaches, insights, and learning in the field of integrated health systems strengthening. 


An image of government officials from Jamaica. As part of a One Health launch event officials gather to showcase progress.

The Government of Jamaica and LHSS officially launch One Health approach in Kingston, focusing on intersectoral collaboration to address health threats across sectors.

Country/region: Jamaica
Screen shot of cover

.A validated, streamlined set of metrics can help the HIV community drive toward such a “people-centered” orientation and advance the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS’ 2025 target of linking at least 90% of people living with HIV and people at risk to people-centered and context-specific integrated services.

Country/region: Global

This course is an interactive, four module, online self-study course on processes used by countries to set health priorities that are reflected in national health policies. Each module allows participants to engage with the materials and reflect on their own country’s context.

Country/region: Global
Photo of two women looking at data sheets

While health systems practitioners aren’t going out to sea with men named Ishmael, we chase our own white whale: evidence. Evidence that health systems interventions impact the availability, affordability, and accessibility of healthcare.

Country/region: Global
Hoja de ruta anex 1 cover page

Este anexo presenta las dimensiones de las prestaciones de salud en detalle, incluyendo las recomendaciones, las fuentes de trabajo, actividades, líneas de tiempo, y las organizaciones responsables.

Country/region: Colombia
Colombia_Hoja de Ruta para la Optimización de Recursos_ Cover Page

El Programa Comunidades Saludables colaboró con el Gobierno Colombiano para identificar oportunidades de optimización en el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS). Utilizaron la Guía de Eficiencia Técnica de USAID (GET) adaptada al contexto colombiano.

Country/region: Colombia
Mr. Albert Tjaronda, Chief Health Programme Officer: Policy and Planning, MOHSS , discusses the resource tracking process in Namibia to-date and the necessity of this data to inform policy and planning decisions.

Namibia's Ministry of Health and Social Services conducted a workshop to map health and HIV expenditures using a combined System of Health Accounts and National AIDS Spending Assessment approach.

Country/region: Namibia
Photo of training attendees

Creating a network with interoperable data management systems holds great potential to revolutionize Cambodia’s entire social safety-net ecosystem, providing improved efficiency for policymakers, implementing organizations, service providers, as well banks that subsidize services. 

Country/region: Cambodia
Detailed Roadmap for Implementing Recommendations to  Optimize SGSSS Cover

LHSS collaborated with the Colombian Government to identify opportunities for optimization in the General Social Security Health System (SGSSS). Using USAID's Technical Efficiency Guide (TEG) adapted to the Colombian context.

Country/region: Colombia
Final Report RO Colombia

The report outlines the main strategies recommended to address technical inefficiencies and improve the health system's capacity to integrate the Venezuelan migrant population in Colombia.

Country/region: Colombia
Cover Page

El informe detalla los esfuerzos de LHSS desde 2020 hasta 2023 en colaboración con el Gobierno de Colombia para mejorar la prestación de servicios de salud a las poblaciones migrantes, con un enfoque en la sostenibilidad financiera. Al implementar la Guía de Eficiencia Técnica de Sistemas de Salud (GET) de USAID, el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, el Departamento Nacional de Planeación y LHSS, se buscó mejorar la eficiencia en la asignación de recursos dentro del sector salud. La GET, que incluye cuatro grupos analíticos tradicionales—prestación de servicios, fuerza laboral en salud, productos farmacéuticos y financiamiento y gobernanza—se amplió para incluir un quinto grupo, Sistemas de Información, para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de Colombia. LHSS adaptó la guía mediante análisis de expertos y discusiones participativas con actores clave para identificar ineficiencias y proponer recomendaciones prácticas. El informe detalla las principales estrategias recomendadas para abordar estas ineficiencias y mejorar la capacidad del sistema de salud para integrar a la población migrante venezolana. 

Country/region: Colombia
Photo of attendees, speaking during the closing ceremony.

Featured as part of the Closing Ceremony for the Activity in June 2024, this video highlights work of the USAID Health System Sustainability Activity in supporting Timor-Leste build a self-reliant health system that is well-governed, efficient, accountable, and responsive to people’s needs.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Screen shot of dashboard

With investment of nearly $60 million, LHSS supported USAID's COVID-19 response in 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, between March 2020 and September 2023. 

Country/region: Global
Namibia UHC Policy Brief

This policy brief proposes that Namibia should prioritize strengthening the tax-funded public health system provided through the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) as the backbone of its UHC financing approach over other pooling options.

Country/region: Namibia
Acknowledgement and handshake between the representatives of the Minister of Health.

The Ministry of Health in Madagascar, with support from LHSS and WHO, launched the 2022 Health Accounts exercise, a milestone for regular health resource tracking.

Country/region: Madagascar

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