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9/26 webinar

LHSS along with speakers from USAID and WHO reflected on strategies to ensure reliable funding for costing the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of a National Quality Policy and Strategy (NQPS).

Country/region: Global

This brief includes a global evidence review of DFS for health conducted by LHSS and an analysis of two programmatic case studies of DFS for health by Management Sciences for Health (MSH) through the Digital Square initiative.

Country/region: Global
Success Story

With LHSS support, the Ministry of Health in Ukraine is connecting health facilities with telemedicine equipment, training physicians and patients, and forging other parts of an impactful telemedicine system: policies, transparent financing arrangements for services, and agreed-upon roles among stakeholders.

Country/region: Ukraine
financing for quality

This brief builds on the USAID Local Health System Sustainability Project (LHSS) Strengthening Governance report (2022) and global National Quality Policy and Strategy (NQPS) survey, aiming to provide practical examples and considerations for country practitioners to consider on their quality journeys. It includes case studies of three countries that have used NQPS to mobilize and align resources for quality.

Country/region: Global
Success Story

Communes in Battambang Province are among the first to devote local funds to HIV as part of Cambodia's decentralization of health programs. 

Country/region: Cambodia

The adopted strategy will improve the quality standards of medical care using telemedicine.

Country/region: Ukraine

Having proven invaluable in helping Ukrainians access health care throughout the Russian invasion, telemedicine is poised to play an integral role in health care delivery in Ukraine after the war ends. 

Country/region: Ukraine

This learning brief can be used as a resource for HRH managers, planners, program managers, and frontline practitioners to learn how other countries are approaching and successfully designing and implementing solutions to their HRH challenges. It can also be used as a reference for health policy makers, funders, and implementing partners to inform the design and implementation of HRH resource optimization initiatives covered in this brief.

Country/region: Global

To develop its telemedicine system, health-sector leaders in Ukraine are seeking to leverage the experiences of telemedicine implementation globally, drawing on best practices and avoiding common pitfalls to effectively increase telemedicine access and quality. This review includes analysis of how telemedicine can be designed and deployed equitably and inclusively.

Country/region: Ukraine
Knowledge Areas: Digital Health Equity
Screen shot of report cover

Цей звіт детально описує поточний стан телемедицини в Україні та включає дані, зібрані практично з кожного регіону країни. Він відкриває можливості для стратегічних інвестицій, які допоможуть відновити і розширити доступ до медичного обслуговування для українців та зберегти довгострокову міцність і життєстійкість системи охорони здоров'я.

Country/region: Ukraine
Screen shot of report cover

This report details the current status of telemedicine in Ukraine and includes data gathered from nearly every region of the country. It provides areas for strategic investments that would foster expanded access, reconnecting Ukrainians to health care, and supporting the long-term strength and resilience of the health system.

Country/region: Ukraine
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

LHSS conducted an assessment of the accuracy of drug scheduling tracking systems and developed recommendations to strengthen antiretroviral stockout and distribution monitoring.

Country/region: Peru
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

​​​This document presents the Plan for the development of Organizational Capacities of the DPVIH of the Ministry of Health of Peru to improve the provision of health services against HIV to the Venezuelan migrant population in Peru

Country/region: Peru

This Catalog allows practitioners to consider which interventions have more robust evidence bases to support their practical application, such as: enhancing worker and supervisor competencies through training, offering nonfinancial incentives for high performers, practicing task sharing to promote cost savings, implementing digital solutions to expand access to services, and reducing costs of procuring and distributing pharmaceutical products.

Country/region: Global
Success Story

New capacities in delivering remote care are saving lives and strengthening Ukraine's health system resilience. 

Country/region: Ukraine

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