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Empowering Mental Health LHSS Colombia’s Multifaceted Approach

LHSS Colombia collaborated with national and local health authorities to address the mental health challenges exacerbated by the pandemic and mixed migration.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
Colombia strengthens health systems for migrants

LHSS Colombia works with national governments to enhance the health system, focusing on local leadership, care, and integration in cities with high migratory flows like Bogotá, Cali, and Medellín.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
Screen shot of cover

With increased migration around the world posing unique challenges and opportunities for health systems, efforts to better integrate and include migrants and host communities in national health systems are an integral part of the global health equity agenda. 

Country/region: GlobalColombiaPeru
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
caja de herramientas

This toolkit provides Colombia’s territorial entities with the tools they need to tackle stigma and unconscious bias within the health sector in order to strengthen their capacity to provide equitable health care services to all members of the population, particularly in high migration settings.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity

To strengthen institutional capacities in the Mandatory Health Quality Assurance System of the Ministry of Health of Cúcuta, the Communidades Saludables of USAID and the Fundación Salutia delivered the Health Quality Management Model with its technological tool TGUÍA – IV.

Country/region: Colombia
Profamilia talks about efforts to build healthy communities

Stakeholders describe how they work with local municipalities to build healthy communities for all migrants.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
Health secretariats describe migration and quality health care

Local leaders share valuable perspectives on migration and the role of a robust health systems in enhancing equitable access to quality health care for everyone.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
Stakeholders describe importance of quality care for migrants in Barranquilla

Key stakeholders in Barranquilla, Colombia provide valuable insights on the importance of quality health care for migrants and their families. 

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
Informe de la Implementación de Paquetes de Atención en Salud Materno-Perinatal en Colombia

This Spanish document systematizes the experiences of the planning and implementation process of projects financed with international cooperation resources for the provision of maternal and perinatal health care. The document also contains the methodology for the systematization of the experience and the lessons learned and recommendations derived from the systematization process. 

Country/region: Colombia
Resumen Ejecutivo: Informe de la Implementación de Paquetes de Atención en Salud Materno-Perinatal en Colombia

This Spanish document contains the experiences of various actors in planning and implementing projects funded by international cooperation resources that facilitate the provision of maternal and perinatal health care.

Country/region: Colombia
Summary Report on the Implementation of Maternal-Perinatal Health Care Packages

This document compiles and systematizes stakeholders’ experiences planning and implementing projects funded by international cooperation resources that facilitate the provision of maternal-perinatal health care.

Country/region: Colombia
Pilot project Barranquilla

Using performance-based financing, this pilot project represents a significant achievement for the Colombian healthcare system, improving the optimization of financial resources, enhancing key indicators, and notably impacting outcomes, especially for migrant pregnant women—an area receiving special attention from local and national health authorities.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
LAC webinar TEASER

Join LHSS, Doctors without Borders, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Honduras as we discuss the relationship between social protection in health and migration corridors in Latin America.

Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health
Colombia resumen adaptacion

This document describes the interventions implemented by Healthy Communities (LHSS) to evaluate and modify the Primary Health Care Assessment (PCAT) tool for Colombia and create an application to collect and analyze survey data from the tool.

Country/region: Colombia
Proceso de Pilotaje de la Herramienta

This annex of the report "Adaptation and Validation of the Primary Health Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) in Colombia" serves to adapt and validate the tool (PCAT) to the Colombian context to know and monitor the progress of the implementation of PHC Primary Health Care.

Country/region: Colombia

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