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Cover of report showing Spanish title and USAID logo

This Spanish-language document describes a tool to enable the Colombia Ministry of Health and Social Protection and health secretariats to monitor COVID-19 vaccination and assess vaccination strategies with a focus on rural areas and vulnerable populations.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
Cover page of a publication, with Spanish title

This Spanish-language document describes the training strategy implemented to increase health workers' and community leaders' knowledge about COVID-19 vaccine supply and demand in Colombia and promote dissemination of information about vaccination using approaches tailored to their communities.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
Screen shot of report cover

LHSS Kyrgyz Team presents findings from August 2021 assessment of Kyrgyz Republic's state-run Laboratory for Virologic and Molecular Genetic Studies.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
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This report describes the multidisciplinary team approach, and presents guidelines for establishing, training, and monitoring and evaluating multidisciplinary teams.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
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Through a grant, LHSS support a COVID-19 surveillance program that allows health professionals to remotely monitor physiological variables and identify critical cases in Colombia.

Country/region: Colombia
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This report presents findings and recommendations from a September-October 2021 assessment of how health facilities were using the ventilators.

Country/region: Uzbekistan
Screen shot of report cover

It summarizes the draft strategy’s recommendations for strengthening Uzbekistan’s infectious disease surveillance and rapid response system.

Country/region: Uzbekistan

Achieving universal health coverage (UHC) is a global priority and a keystone element of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. However, COVID-19 is causing serious impacts on tax revenue and many countries are facing constraints to new investment in health. To advance UHC progress, countries can also focus on improving health system technical efficiency to maximize the service outputs given the current health financing levels.

Country/region: Cambodia
Screen shot of report cover

This short document provides an English-language summary of the key findings and recommendations of the LHSS Colombia Activity’s full, Spanish-language report “Recommendations on Strengthening the PAIWEB Information System, Focused on Migrants.”

Country/region: Colombia
Screen shot of report cover

LHSS Colombia Activity presents findings from an LHSS assessment of the PAIWEB information system and provides recommendations for strengthening the system.

Country/region: Colombia
Logo of Diagnostics Journal

Qaqish B, Sallam M, Al-Khateeb M, Reisdorf E, Mahafzah A. Assessment of COVID-19 Molecular Testing Capacity in Jordan: A Cross-Sectional Study at the Country Level. Diagnostics. 2022; 12(4):909.

Country/region: Jordan

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