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The English Summary for this report described the purpose of this guide which is to facilitate the implementation of Technical Health Standard N°191-MINSA/DGIESP-2022 for the prevention and management of patients affected by Mpox at the subnational level. This operational guide aims to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions established in the technical standard, to benefit the affected population and ensure access to appropriate services.

Country/region: Peru
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity

La presente guía tiene como objetivo principal facilitar la implementación de la Norma Técnica de Salud N°191-MINSA/DGIESP-2022 para la prevención y manejo de los pacientes afectados por Mpox a nivel subnacional. Esta guía operativa busca asegurar la efectiva puesta en práctica de las disposiciones establecidas en la norma técnica, con el fin de beneficiar a la población afectada y garantizar el acceso a servicios adecuados.

Country/region: Peru
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity

This report aims to delve deeper into comprehending the functioning of the social protection system and the interventions carried out by civil society, particularly concerning the Venezuelan LGBTQI+ migrant and refugee population in Peru. Additionally, it strives to uncover the obstacles that hinder their access to crucial services.

Country/region: Peru
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity

El objetivo de este reporte es profundizar en la comprensión del funcionamiento del sistema de protección público y las acciones emprendidas por la sociedad civil, en relación con la población migrante y refugiada LGBTQI+ proveniente de Venezuela en el territorio peruano.

Country/region: Peru
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

This document outlines recommendations for the design and implementation of the National Migrant Health Observatory. The recommendations seek to facilitate greater coordination and exchange of information among the public, international cooperation and civil society actors or stakeholders that articulate the response to Venezuelan migration in the country. 

Country/region: Peru
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

​​​This document presents the Plan for the development of Organizational Capacities of the DPVIH of the Ministry of Health of Peru to improve the provision of health services against HIV to the Venezuelan migrant population in Peru

Country/region: Peru
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

Proper specimen collection and transport play an important role in the accurate and timely identification of newly emerging infectious diseases. This report provides recommendations for improving the specimen collection and transport system in Peru.

Country/region: Peru

LHSS has conducted a review of the information systems of countries along the migration route, as well as the mandates and roles of subregional platforms and supranational agencies related to the cross-border exchange of health information.

Country/region: Peru

La Estrategia de Comunicación para el Cambio de Comportamiento frente al COVID-19 (ECCC COVID-19) es un esfuerzo intergubernamental de los gobiernos regionales de Arequipa, Madre de Dios, Moquegua, Puno y Tacna, a iniciativa de sus autoridades sanitarias regionales, para fortalecer su estrategia de salud pública y lograr sus objetivos sanitarios frente a la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2. 

Country/region: Peru
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
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This resource provides recommendations aimed at strengthening the Ministry of Health’s functional capabilities and operational capacities to generate and use information for effective deployment of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Country/region: Peru
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19

This resource provides recommendations aimed at strengthening the Ministry of Health’s functional capabilities and operational capacities to generate and use information for effective deployment of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Country/region: Peru
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
assessment of hiv service in peru

This report is a health system assessment focused on HIV care services for Venezuelan migrants living in Peru. The assessment reviews secondary data sources; interviews with key informants, users, and professionals who are responsible for health facilities providing Antiretroviral Therapy (HF ART); observes visits to selected HF ART; and provides an overview of a self-administered survey to those responsible for HF ART in the country.

Country/region: Peru

En este informe, LHSS evalúa la demanda de productos básicos para el VIH necesarios para brindar una cobertura adecuada a los venezolanos que viven con el VIH en Perú y analiza los sistemas de pronóstico existentes en el Ministerio de Salud para determinar su precisión en la adquisición y el seguimiento de la distribución de medicamentos clave para el VIH.

Country/region: Peru
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In this report, LHSS quantifies the demand for HIV commodities needed to provide adequate coverage for Venezuelans living with HIV in Peru and analyzes existing forecasting systems at the MOH to determine its accuracy in procuring and monitoring the distribution of key HIV drugs.

Country/region: Peru
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LHSS tiene como objetivo fortalecer la capacidad del Ministerio de Salud para garantizar la disponibilidad de productos para el VIH (ARV y dispositivos médicos) para la población migrante venezolana en Perú. Como parte de este esfuerzo, LHSS estimó la demanda de productos relacionados con el VIH relacionados con esta población, incluidos detalles como el tipo, la cantidad y el momento. 

Country/region: Peru

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