Resource Center


Learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the LHSS Project. We invite you to search LHSS knowledge products and resources for the latest approaches, insights, and learning in the field of integrated health systems strengthening. 


Bangladesh MSC infographic

The Most Significant Change (MSC) is a complexity-aware monitoring approach that helps us track and understand important changes happening in systems, practices, organizations, and people. LHSS Bangladesh has applied this MSC tool to identify, evaluate, and understand the most substantial changes within our primary health care system functions. 

Country/region: Bangladesh

La boîte à outils vise à combler une lacune dans les conseils pratiques pour l’EPS dans les programmes de lutte contre le paludisme. Il contient des orientations, des ressources et des exemples étape par étape pour développer des activités d’ESP, dans le but global d’équiper les acteurs au niveau des pays pour stimuler une plus grande participation du secteur privé à la lutte et à l’élimination du paludisme et contribuer à des résultats durables au niveau local. La boîte à outils est disponible en anglais et en frech.

Country/region: Global

The toolkit aims to address a gap in practical guidance for PSE in malaria programming. It contains step-by-step guidance, resources, and examples for developing PSE activities, with the overall goal of equipping country-level actors to stimulate greater private sector participation in malaria control and elimination and contribute to locally sustained results. The toolkit is available in English and French.

Country/region: Global
Success Story

Communes in Battambang Province are among the first to devote local funds to HIV as part of Cambodia's decentralization of health programs. 

Country/region: Cambodia
Fundación Sidoc

This Spanish document summarizes the impact and learnings of the intervention Forging Healthy Environments carried out by the Sidoc Foundation for the strengthening of socio-emotional and citizenship skills.

Country/region: Colombia

This learning brief captures LHSS’s experience in supporting municipal-level partners through the contracting process and distills emerging lessons to inspire other municipalities to pursue public-private partnerships as a vehicle for expanding access to urban PHC services.

Country/region: Bangladesh

This brief presents what LHSS has learned through applying a systems thinking approach to its support for HSCs’ advocacy efforts in expanding PHC services in urban Bangladesh.

Country/region: Bangladesh

Having proven invaluable in helping Ukrainians access health care throughout the Russian invasion, telemedicine is poised to play an integral role in health care delivery in Ukraine after the war ends. 

Country/region: Ukraine
Multidisciplinary Teams and the Universal Nurse Model Strengthening the Kyrgyz Republic's Health System
Success Story

The COVID-19 pandemic placed extraordinary stress on the Kyrgyz Republic’s health system and health care providers, revealing the need for new approaches that would address the immediate needs brought on by the pandemic and contribute to the country’s health system resilience.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Assessment of Liquid Oxygen Capabilities and Availability for Use in Medical Facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic

This report presents findings from December 2022 assessment of medical-grade liquid oxygen capabilities and availability for use in health facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Equitable Access to and Delivery of COVID-19 Vaccines: Strengthening the Cold Chain System in the Kyrgyz Republic

This brief presents work completed under the LHSS Kyrgyz Republic Activity Intervention 4: Enhance Cold Chain System. LHSS worked with key government stakeholders, including the Republican Center of Immunoprophylaxis, to digitalize and update components of the country’s vaccine registry and complement these updates by adding additional functionalities for cold chain tracking and management.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

LHSS conducted an assessment of the accuracy of drug scheduling tracking systems and developed recommendations to strengthen antiretroviral stockout and distribution monitoring.

Country/region: Peru
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

​​​This document presents the Plan for the development of Organizational Capacities of the DPVIH of the Ministry of Health of Peru to improve the provision of health services against HIV to the Venezuelan migrant population in Peru

Country/region: Peru

Three LHSS experts discuss what a resilient health system looks like, and how countries can shift from reacting to health emergencies to building in preparedness.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Health Systems Resilience
Success Story

New capacities in delivering remote care are saving lives and strengthening Ukraine's health system resilience. 

Country/region: Ukraine

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