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caja de herramientas

This toolkit provides Colombia’s territorial entities with the tools they need to tackle stigma and unconscious bias within the health sector in order to strengthen their capacity to provide equitable health care services to all members of the population, particularly in high migration settings.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity

Having proven invaluable in helping Ukrainians access health care throughout the Russian invasion, telemedicine is poised to play an integral role in health care delivery in Ukraine after the war ends. 

Country/region: Ukraine

To advance progress toward universal health coverage, agreed-upon health priorities need to be reflected in national plans and budgets. This blog offers key lessons for ministries of health seeking to make that happen.

Country/region: Global

Uniéndose, las organizaciones locales y regionales están trazando un camino adelante para mejorar el acceso a la atención médica para las mujeres y otros migrantes vulnerables en Honduras.

Country/region: Honduras
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity

Joining together, local and regional organizations are plotting a way forward to improve health care access for women and other vulnerable migrants in Honduras. 

Country/region: Honduras
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Venezuelan migrants sign up for Colombia’s national health insurance program at an enrollment day in the municipality of Floridablanca

Colombia ha emergido como líder en la elaboración de políticas que integran a los migrantes a la economía y la sociedad, garantizan su derecho universal a la salud y movilizan recursos nacionales para cumplir con la creciente demanda de servicios de salud.

Country/region: Colombia
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Colombia has emerged as a leader in creating policies to integrate migrants into the economy and society, guaranteeing their right to health and mobilizing domestic resources to meet the increased demand for health services.

Country/region: Colombia
Migrant children and mothers gather with blankets and luggage in a UNICEF tent

For countries facing a large influx of migrants, the best way to ensure that these new members of society have sustained access to essential health services is to have a long-term strategy – one that builds on existing health platforms.

Haitian patient receives care in Hospital Ramon Matias Mella, DR. Credit European Union, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

In the Dominican Republic, the dual impact of large numbers of migrants and a health system overwhelmed by COVID-19 has meant that fewer health services are available for migrant women. LHSS is working to improve health protection for the country’s migrant women, most of whom come from Haiti.

Country/region: Dominican RepublicPeru

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