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Webinar promotion includes the date and time of the event as well as an image of a healthcare provider and patient.

In Colombia and Peru, integrating migrants into national health systems is challenging due to inequalities in access and limited resources. This event aims to discuss the knowledge and expectations needed to effectively implement promising practices in different contexts, helping address these challenges and improve health equity for migrant populations.

Country/region: Colombia
mental health colombia

In this webinar, the quintuple quality goal and its application in managing obstetric emergencies were presented. Additionally, functional maternal health networks and their contribution to reducing maternal mortality were discussed.

Country/region: Colombia
Conference logo

Join us as LHSS Colombia,  Communidades Saludables presents at the 33rd International Forum in Cartagena, Colombia on August 14-16, 2024. 

Country/region: Colombia

To strengthen institutional capacities in the Mandatory Health Quality Assurance System of the Ministry of Health of Cúcuta, the Communidades Saludables of USAID and the Fundación Salutia delivered the Health Quality Management Model with its technological tool TGUÍA – IV.

Country/region: Colombia
Informe de la Implementación de Paquetes de Atención en Salud Materno-Perinatal en Colombia

This Spanish document systematizes the experiences of the planning and implementation process of projects financed with international cooperation resources for the provision of maternal and perinatal health care. The document also contains the methodology for the systematization of the experience and the lessons learned and recommendations derived from the systematization process. 

Country/region: Colombia
Resumen Ejecutivo: Informe de la Implementación de Paquetes de Atención en Salud Materno-Perinatal en Colombia

This Spanish document contains the experiences of various actors in planning and implementing projects funded by international cooperation resources that facilitate the provision of maternal and perinatal health care.

Country/region: Colombia
Summary Report on the Implementation of Maternal-Perinatal Health Care Packages

This document compiles and systematizes stakeholders’ experiences planning and implementing projects funded by international cooperation resources that facilitate the provision of maternal-perinatal health care.

Country/region: Colombia
Colombia s5

In this space, the experience of the Ministry of Health of Colombia, the quality improvement pathway in the Capital District, and the contributions of LHSS Colombia to health quality improvement were presented.

Country/region: Colombia

This document identifies several scenarios for sustaining the use of Mi Paciente for monitoring ARI/COVID-19 patients, considering the socio-economic conditions of each territory. 

Country/region: Colombia

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