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Learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the LHSS Project. We invite you to search LHSS knowledge products and resources for the latest approaches, insights, and learning in the field of integrated health systems strengthening. 


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.A validated, streamlined set of metrics can help the HIV community drive toward such a “people-centered” orientation and advance the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS’ 2025 target of linking at least 90% of people living with HIV and people at risk to people-centered and context-specific integrated services.

Country/region: Global
Photo of two women looking at data sheets

While health systems practitioners aren’t going out to sea with men named Ishmael, we chase our own white whale: evidence. Evidence that health systems interventions impact the availability, affordability, and accessibility of healthcare.

Country/region: Global
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With investment of nearly $60 million, LHSS supported USAID's COVID-19 response in 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, between March 2020 and September 2023. 

Country/region: Global
spotlight brief financial protection and SBC

This brief describes opportunities to improve financial protection programs using behavior change approaches. The Practice Spotlights Social and Behavior Change series supports USAID’s Vision for Health System Strengthening 2030 by exploring how social and behavior change approaches can contribute to countries’ health system strengthening efforts.

Country/region: Global
Health System Strengthening Evidence Gap Map: Social and Behavior Change

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 6, "What are key behavioral outcomes that indicate a functioning, integrated health system? In what ways can integrated health system strengthening approaches explicitly include social and behavior change?"

Country/region: Global
Health System Strengthening Evidence Gap Map Integration and Engagement of Local Voices

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 4, “What are effective and sustainable mechanisms or processes to integrate local, community, sub-national, national, and regional voices, priorities, and contributions into USAID’s health system strengthening efforts?”

Country/region: Global
9/26 webinar

LHSS along with speakers from USAID and WHO reflected on strategies to ensure reliable funding for costing the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of a National Quality Policy and Strategy (NQPS).

Country/region: Global
social accouontability and sbc

This brief highlights the recent shifts in health systems practice toward more explicitly incorporating an SBC lens in social accountability activities that aim to improve overall health system performance and address inequities. The brief synthesizes the growing body of evidence on the role social accountability plays in increasing accessibility to better-quality health care services and uses case studies and lessons learned to highlight how SBC approaches can be more explicitly integrated into this aspect of HSS programming.

Country/region: Global
financing for quality

This brief builds on the USAID Local Health System Sustainability Project (LHSS) Strengthening Governance report (2022) and global National Quality Policy and Strategy (NQPS) survey, aiming to provide practical examples and considerations for country practitioners to consider on their quality journeys. It includes case studies of three countries that have used NQPS to mobilize and align resources for quality.

Country/region: Global
exploring the evidence for HSS

In this webinar, we discuss conditions that facilitate the institutionalization of practices that improve health system outcomes. 

Country/region: Global

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 1, “What are the contributions of systems thinking approaches and tools to changes in health system outcomes? How do systems thinking approaches affect health system outcomes?”

Country/region: Global

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 5, “What are effective and sustainable mechanisms or processes that enable the participation of private sector, civil society, and public organizations in developing locally-led solutions to improve high-performing health care, especially for poor and vulnerable populations? What enables the effective participation or leadership of marginalized populations themselves in the development and implementation of these solutions? Under what conditions is this participation different?”

Country/region: Global

During this webinar, we use the HSS Evidence Gap Map to explore measurement tools and approaches that have been used to estimate impact of HSS interventions on health systems outcomes.

Country/region: Global
Screen shot of EGM tool

The Evidence Gap Map identifies existing literature examining the impact of health systems strengthening on health outcomes. Evidence is organized around USAID's Health System Strengthening Learning Agenda.

Country/region: Global

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 3, “What measurement tools, approaches, and data sources, from HSS or other fields, are most helpful in understanding interrelationships and interactions, and estimating impact of HSS interventions on health system outcomes and priority health outcomes?”

Country/region: Global

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