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This report evaluates the resources dedicated to telemedicine services in Ukrainian healthcare institutions. The primary goal of the study was to understand the current utilization of telemedicine and to analyze the costs involved, with a detailed focus on the components of these costs. The findings will support efforts to enhance the purchasing mechanisms for the National Health Service of Ukraine, paving the way for further improvements in telemedicine provision.

Country/region: Ukraine
afghanistan factsheet
Fact Sheet

LHSS works with the private sector in Afghanistan to expand the scale, quality, accessibility, and affordability of health products and services for maternal and child health, family planning, tuberculosis, improved nutrition, and prevention of noncommunicable diseases.

Country/region: Afghanistan

Having proven invaluable in helping Ukrainians access health care throughout the Russian invasion, telemedicine is poised to play an integral role in health care delivery in Ukraine after the war ends. 

Country/region: Ukraine

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