Resource Center


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This Spanish-language report describes the process of enrollment of migrants into Colombia’s social health insurance scheme and summarizes the activities.

Country/region: Colombia
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This Spanish-language document presents a roadmap for the deployment of human resources to the territories for future health emergencies in Colombia.

Country/region: Colombia
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This report highlights the important advances in the process for enrollment of regularized Venezuelan migrants into the General System of Social Health Insurance, the government health insurance system in Colombia. 

Country/region: Colombia

Achieving universal health coverage (UHC) is a global priority and a keystone element of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. However, COVID-19 is causing serious impacts on tax revenue and many countries are facing constraints to new investment in health. To advance UHC progress, countries can also focus on improving health system technical efficiency to maximize the service outputs given the current health financing levels.

Country/region: Cambodia
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This Spanish-language report considers the impact that a policy to empower Colombian citizens and organizations to participate in decision-making for the country’s health system.

Country/region: Colombia
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This short document provides an English-language summary of the key findings and recommendations of the LHSS Colombia Activity’s full, Spanish-language report “Recommendations on Strengthening the PAIWEB Information System, Focused on Migrants.”

Country/region: Colombia
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LHSS Colombia Activity presents findings from an LHSS assessment of the PAIWEB information system and provides recommendations for strengthening the system.

Country/region: Colombia
Col mom
Success Story

Meet Jessica. Her little girl is one of more than 40,000 migrants who have been enrolled in Colombia’s national health insurance system with support from the LHSS Project.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
LHSS photo 2_RRT in indegenous community in Mitú, Vuapés Department (2)
Success Story

The pandemic has presented an urgent challenge to Colombia’s already overburdened, understaffed health system. Rapid response teams are traversing roads, mountain paths, and rivers to help health officials contain the spread of COVID-19. 

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Equity Health Area: COVID-19

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