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Conference logo

The Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) 2024 International Conference takes place on September 18-19, 2024, at the Shangri-La Hotel in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Country/region: Kazakhstan
Knowledge Areas: Health Systems Resilience
UHC Madagascar French

Le gouvernement de Madagascar s'est engagé à atteindre la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU) à travers la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie nationale de financement de la santé de 2015. Cette stratégie prévoit d'accroître le financement national de la santé et de la protection financière des usagers des soins de santé. En mai 2022, le gouvernement a annoncé son intention de promouvoir le développement de l'assurance maladie de proximité (CBHI).

Pour répondre à cette nouvelle politique, l'Unité d'appui à la CSU, rattachée au Secrétariat général du ministère de la Santé publique, a initié un processus participatif de conceptualisation et de mise en œuvre d'un modèle de CBHI. Cette note technique présente des options pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de la phase de démonstration de CBHI prévue dans le district de Fénérive Est, en tenant compte des enseignements tirés des résultats de l'étude de faisabilité CBHI à Madagascar et des expériences que les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne, en particulier le Sénégal, ont eues avec CBHI. Cette note complète d'autres notes techniques que la LHSS a élaborées pour l'Unité d'appui à la CSU afin d'éclairer le processus d'établissement de la CBHI à Madagascar, notamment la Note technique sur le modèle de CBHI à Madagascar (LHSS 2022).


Country/region: Madagascar
 Achieving Progress Towards Universal Health Coverage Through Community-Based Health Insurance: Considerations for Madagascar

The Government of Madagascar is committed to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) through implementation of the 2015 National Health Financing Strategy. This strategy plans to increase domestic financing for health and for the financial protection of health care users. In May 2022, the government announced its intention to promote the development of community-based health insurance (CBHI). To respond to this new policy, the UHC Support Unit, attached to the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Public Health (MOH), has initiated a participatory process to conceptualize and implement a CBHI model. This technical brief presents options for the design and implementation of the demonstration phase of CBHI planned for Fénérive Est District, taking into consideration the lessons learned from the results of the CBHI feasibility study in Madagascar and the experiences that countries in sub-Saharan Africa—particularly Senegal—have had with CBHI.

This brief compliment other technical briefs that LHSS has developed for the UHC Support Unit to inform the process of establishing CBHI in Madagascar, including the Technical Note on the CBHI Model in Madagascar (LHSS 2022).

Country/region: Madagascar
Acknowledgement and handshake between the representatives of the Minister of Health.

The Ministry of Health in Madagascar, with support from LHSS and WHO, launched the 2022 Health Accounts exercise, a milestone for regular health resource tracking.

Country/region: Madagascar
Tajikistan news story 2.26

A medical waste shredder, procured with LHSS support, uses non-incineration technology and will protect Tajikistan’s environment.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Capacity Strengthening
Tajikistan community leaders help to improve community health

Religious leaders and community health workers collaborated to promote COVID-19 vaccination in two regions of Tajikistan.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
Kazakhstan Meeting 2.9

With LHSS support, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted an Interagency Technical Working Group Coordination Meeting in Astana. Ministries of Health, Veterinary Services, Agriculture, and Ecology, alongside international organizations, discussed collaborative preparedness, human resource capacity for One Health, and joint disease investigation. 

Country/region: Kazakhstan
Tajikistan news story

With support from USAID’s LHSS Project, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population (MOHSPP) in Tajikistan strengthened Tajikistan’s national laboratory system and supported the country’s COVID-19 Country Preparedness and Response Plan.

Country/region: Tajikistan
EAC Health Data Governance

The East African Community (EAC) Secretariat, the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), and the Pan African Health Informatics Association (HELINA) have concluded a commitment by all three parties to foster stronger health data governance to drive digital transformation and innovations in the health sector of East Africa. 

Country/region: East Africa
Tajikistan vaccine cold chain inventory assessment report

The assessment findings inform the MoHSPP and its international partners on interventions to improve the quality of vaccination services, not only for COVID-19 but beyond. This ultimately leads to increased access to improved services in Tajikistan.

Country/region: Tajikistan
tajikistan video5

The video provides evidence-based information about COVID-19 vaccination to decrease vaccine hesitancy among women. It discusses the importance and benefits of vaccination for women and their families.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
tajikistan video4

The video includes an explanation of the importance of COVID-19 boosters by the United States-based expert Dr. Arash Alaei. Dr. Alaei is a general physician who had been a consultant for the World Health Organization and the Tajikistan Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
tajikistan video3

This video portrays the experience of a family in which a daughter was dealing with vaccine side effects. It provides guidance on how to react to possible side effects and what to do to recover from them.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
tajikistan video2

The video explains immunity and illustrates why maintaining healthy lifestyles is important.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
tajikistan video1

The video includes evidence-based information about vaccination against COVID-19 and the importance of booster shots for women, youth, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Country/region: Tajikistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19

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