Resource Center


Learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the LHSS Project. We invite you to search LHSS knowledge products and resources for the latest approaches, insights, and learning in the field of integrated health systems strengthening. 


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With investment of nearly $60 million, LHSS supported USAID's COVID-19 response in 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, between March 2020 and September 2023. 

Country/region: Global
Y5Q1 report
USAID Quarterly Report

This Year 5 Quarter 1 Report (Oct-Dec 2023) was prepared for USAID and provides a progress update for all annual work plan activities. 

Country/region: Global
Y4 Annual Report teaser
USAID Quarterly Report

We are proud to share the LHSS Year 4 Annual Report which highlights the many achievements we celebrated with our country partners this year. 

Country/region: Global
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USAID Quarterly Report

We are proud to share the LHSS Year 4 Annual Report which highlights the many achievements we celebrated with our country partners this year. 

Country/region: Global

LHSS Chief of Party in Peru, Paulina Giusti learns what three organizations in Peru and Colombia are doing to improve access and link people with mental health needs to the services they require through psychosocial support networks.

Country/region: ColombiaPeru
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
caja de herramientas

This toolkit provides Colombia’s territorial entities with the tools they need to tackle stigma and unconscious bias within the health sector in order to strengthen their capacity to provide equitable health care services to all members of the population, particularly in high migration settings.

Country/region: Colombia
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Quarterly report Y4Q3
USAID Quarterly Report

This Year 4 Quarter 3 Report (Apr-Jun 2023) was prepared for USAID and provides a progress update for all annual work plan activities. 

Country/region: Global

La boîte à outils vise à combler une lacune dans les conseils pratiques pour l’EPS dans les programmes de lutte contre le paludisme. Il contient des orientations, des ressources et des exemples étape par étape pour développer des activités d’ESP, dans le but global d’équiper les acteurs au niveau des pays pour stimuler une plus grande participation du secteur privé à la lutte et à l’élimination du paludisme et contribuer à des résultats durables au niveau local. La boîte à outils est disponible en anglais et en frech.

Country/region: Global

The toolkit aims to address a gap in practical guidance for PSE in malaria programming. It contains step-by-step guidance, resources, and examples for developing PSE activities, with the overall goal of equipping country-level actors to stimulate greater private sector participation in malaria control and elimination and contribute to locally sustained results. The toolkit is available in English and French.

Country/region: Global
LHSS Quarterly Progress Report Year 4, Quarter 2 Cover Image
USAID Quarterly Report

This Year 4 Quarter 2 Report (Jan-Mar 2023) was prepared for USAID and provides a progress update for all annual work plan activities. 

Country/region: Global

Three LHSS experts discuss what a resilient health system looks like, and how countries can shift from reacting to health emergencies to building in preparedness.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Health Systems Resilience
Screen shot of EGM tool

The Evidence Gap Map identifies existing literature examining the impact of health systems strengthening on health outcomes. Evidence is organized around USAID's Health System Strengthening Learning Agenda.

Country/region: Global
LHSS Quarterly Progress Report Year 4, Quarter 1 Cover Image
USAID Quarterly Report

This Year 4 Quarter 1 Report (Oct-Dec 2022) was prepared for USAID and provides a progress update for all annual work plan activities. 

Country/region: Global
Screen shot of report cover
USAID Quarterly Report

We are proud to share the LHSS Year 3 Annual Report which highlights the many achievements we celebrated with our country partners this year. 

Country/region: Global
Screen shot of report cover
USAID Quarterly Report

We are proud to share the LHSS Year 3 Annual Report which highlights the many achievements we celebrated with our country partners this year. 

Country/region: Global

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