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Learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the LHSS Project. We invite you to search LHSS knowledge products and resources for the latest approaches, insights, and learning in the field of integrated health systems strengthening. 


Haitian patient receives care in Hospital Ramon Matias Mella, DR. Credit European Union, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

In the Dominican Republic, the dual impact of large numbers of migrants and a health system overwhelmed by COVID-19 has meant that fewer health services are available for migrant women. LHSS is working to improve health protection for the country’s migrant women, most of whom come from Haiti.

Country/region: Dominican RepublicPeru
Bangladesh Mother and Child (Credit: David Stanley)

Poor budget execution results in inefficiencies that undermine the ability of health agencies to improve access to needed health services and improve population health. Yet billions of dollars in unexecuted health budgets are returned to treasuries every year. 

LHSS photo 5_RRT w migrants in Sincelejo, Sucre Department_cropped 2_1

Population movement of this magnitude places huge stress on health systems in receptor countries. How can health care for migrants be financed? How can health system capacity be expanded? And how can health sector policies and national migration policies be harmonized? 

Digital and Finalcial Services Header

LHSS conducted a global evidence review on emerging models of DFS for health, and explored why, how, and under what circumstances these models contribute to universal health coverage.

A laboratory specialist in Kazakhstan handles samples for testing in July 2020.

The events of the past 18 months underscore the importance of generally strong, equitable, and accessible health systems. COVID-19 is not the only threat we face, and as we prepare for the future it is critical that we begin to sufficiently invest in the foundational health system strengthening required to develop lasting resilience. 

Country/region: GlobalKazakhstan

In this episode, we talk with Lisa Tarantino, Director of Transition and Sustainability and explore how LHSS is developing in-country capacity to ensure a more sustainable health system. 

digital financial services improve

The proliferation of mobile telephones and advances in digital financial technology have created opportunities for faster progress towards achieving Universal Health Coverage.

Country/region: BangladeshEast Africa
rapid response teams

LHSS supports scale up and adaptation of existing vaccination programs for COVID-19 while also strengthening countries’ capacity to manage other public health efforts in the future.

Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
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Fact Sheet

LHSS Vietnam works to strengthen the Government of Vietnam’s capacity to sustainably manage holistic HIV and TB programs that will drive achievement of the country’s commitment to end HIV and TB by 2030.

Country/region: Vietnam
Title of podcast with USAID and HFG logos

Health governance is foundational to strengthening health systems around the world, but it’s something that many development practitioners struggle to conceptualize. In this episode, we talk about why governance is so difficult, consider how to apply a governance lens, and learn from an example of HFG’s governance work in Vietnam.

Country/region: Vietnam
Title of podcast with USAID and HFG logos

In this episode, we introduce the major insurance models being implemented around the world, discuss some of the specific challenges LIMCs face, and learn about what two countries are doing to create an insurance system that is equitable, efficient, and financially sustainable.

Title of podcast with USAID and HFG logos

The digital revolution can offer solutions to many health system constraints: increasing access to information in far flung villages, speeding information to decision-makers in real-time, giving over-burdened health workers tools for training, case management, and support; mobilizing communities to hold governments accountable for quality services. But how can development practitioners realize these positive outcomes?

Title of podcast with USAID and HFG logos

What happens to health systems in low- and middle-income countries when big international donors change their plans, while demand for health services within the country continue to rise? This episode explores the concept of Domestic Resource Mobilization--DRM.


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