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Modelo de Relacionamiento del Prestador Primario para la Implementación de las Rutas Integrales de Atención en Salud

This Spanish document presents a model for strengthening the relationship of the actors involved in the implementation of two Comprehensive Health Care Routes (RIAS): the Comprehensive Care Route for the Promotion and Maintenance of Health (RPMS) and the Comprehensive Maternal and Perinatal Health Care Route (RIAMP). The model aims to ensure the successful implementation of the RIAS, which will strengthen the Colombian health system to provide comprehensive health care for Venezuelan migrants and host communities.

Country/region: Colombia
Resumen Ejecutivo: Modelo de Relacionamiento del Prestador Primario para la Implementación de las Rutas Integrales de Atención en Salud

This document presents a summary of the model for strengthening the relationship of the actors involved in the implementation of the Comprehensive Care Route for the Promotion and Maintenance of Health (RPMS) and the Comprehensive Maternal and Perinatal Health Care Route (RIAMP). A full report is also available in Spanish.

Country/region: Colombia
Primary Provider Relationship Model for Implementing Health Care Pathways in Colombia

This document proposes a model to improve the relationship among stakeholders involved in the implementation of two Comprehensive Healthcare Pathways (RIAS, as per its Spanish acronym) in Colombia: the Pathway for the Promotion and Maintenance of Healthcare (RPMS, as per its Spanish acronym) and the Pathway for Maternal and Perinatal Health Care (RIAMP, as per its Spanish acronym).

Country/region: Colombia
Colombia resumen adaptacion

This document describes the interventions implemented by Healthy Communities (LHSS) to evaluate and modify the Primary Health Care Assessment (PCAT) tool for Colombia and create an application to collect and analyze survey data from the tool.

Country/region: Colombia
Proceso de Pilotaje de la Herramienta

This annex of the report "Adaptation and Validation of the Primary Health Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) in Colombia" serves to adapt and validate the tool (PCAT) to the Colombian context to know and monitor the progress of the implementation of PHC Primary Health Care.

Country/region: Colombia
Summary Adapting and Validating the Primary Health Care Assessment Tool in Colombia

​​​​​​​This document describes the interventions implemented by the Local Health System Sustainability Project (LHSS) to evaluate and modify the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) for Colombia and create an application to compile and analyze data from the tool’s surveys. This tool and its application will help health providers to access data on Primary Health Care (PHC) services, which can be used to improve decision-making and policy formulation within the health care sector. This is an English language summary of the full report, which is available in Spanish.

Country/region: Colombia
Adaptación y validación de la herramienta de evaluación de la Atención Primaria en Salud (PCAT)1 en Colombia

This Spanish report addresses the adaptation and validation of the Primary Health Care Evaluation (PCAT) tool in Colombia. In the context of the reform of the General Social Security System in Health and the Primary Health Care (PHC) strategy, it focuses on the relevance of health education and the implementation of comprehensive service networks. 

Country/region: Colombia
Success Story

An estimated 170,000 people contract TB each year in Vietnam. The new e-LMIS system helps ensure a reliable drug supply for those who need treatment.

Country/region: Vietnam
Image of Vietnam's Q&A Document

This Question-and-Answer (Q&A) document covers commonly asked questions and answers on TB exams, treatment, and reimbursement through Social Health Insurance (SHI). It provides guidance to TB treatment facilities as they integrate SHI and transition TB treatment services into SHI. The document also includes hyperlinks as additional reference sources for readers.

Country/region: Vietnam
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: Tuberculosis
LHSS Supports Vietnam to Cover TB Drugs in National Health Insurance, Paving the Way for Sustainable TB Treatment  
Success Story

The Vietnam government transitions funding of TB treatment to the SHI fund with support from LHSS. This transition marks a critical milestone, ensuring uninterrupted access to life-saving treatment.

Country/region: Vietnam
TB patients in health facility

Vietnam is one of the 30 countries with the highest burden of TB and drug-resistant TB in the world, with more than 172,000 cases and 10,400 deaths from TB in Vietnam in 2020 (WHO).  On July 1, TB treatment facilities nationwide started providing TB drugs to patients through social health insurance, marking an important milestone for financial sustainability.

Country/region: Vietnam
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

This rapid assessment aimed to determine which health facilities in seven high-TB burden provinces of Vietnam meet social health insurance (SHI) requirements for TB service provision and for reimbursement of TB services through the SHI scheme.

Country/region: Vietnam
Screen shot of report cover

Lhss prepared this report, discussing procurement and payment considerations related to the transition of first-line tuberculosis (TB) drug procurement in Vietnam from the central state budget to the social health insurance fund starting in 2022.

Country/region: Vietnam
Screen shot of report cover

This document provides a roadmap for Vietnam’s National Tuberculosis (TB) Program to transition procurement and payment for TB drugs to the country’s social health insurance scheme.

Country/region: Vietnam
Vietnam transition ss
Success Story

For the first time, Vietnam has procured TB medicines using its national social health insurance scheme. 

Country/region: Vietnam

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