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health worker in PPE analyzing a COVID-19 test

By now, much has been written about the egregious global inequities in COVID-19 vaccine distribution. But less has been said about another inequity that holds serious implications for global health: the disparities in genomic sequencing capacities and capabilities worldwide.

Country/region: GlobalKazakhstan
Knowledge Areas: Equity Health Area: COVID-19
LHSS Technical Director Midori de Habich

She’s a big thinker, with an illustrious background. Midori de Habich was Peru’s minister of health and chair of the South American Council of Health from 2012-2014. She has served on various WHO working groups and missions and led USAID-funded projects in Peru. Now, she is applying her expertise in financial protection and population coverage to LHSS as the project’s technical director.

Country/region: Global

Experts from LHSS partner Avenir Health and a representative from the Ethiopia Ministry of Health presented on the Spectrum modeling suite, a free software package designed to support integrated strategic planning over a range of health areas, including HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, maternal and child health, and family planning.

Country/region: Global
LHSS Quarterly Progress Report Year 3, Quarter 1 Cover Image
USAID Quarterly Report

This Year 3 Quarter 1 Report (Oct-Dec 2021) was prepared for USAID and provides a progress update for all annual work plan activities. 

Country/region: Global
Cover of Health Systems Strengthening Practice Spotlight - Outcome Harvesting

This Practice Spotlight brief describes outcome harvesting, a monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning approach that can help tease out the specific impacts of HSS interventions conducted in complex environments, where many factors may influence an outcome.

Country/region: Global
Screen shot of cover for the LHSS Year 2 Annual Report
USAID Quarterly Report

In Year 2, LHSS supported the work of USAID missions in 17 countries, with new activities launched in Bangladesh, Madagascar, Peru, and Timor-Leste. We also began work with the USAID Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean and we continued to expand our work with USAID Washington to enrich the global knowledge base on health system sustainability.

Country/region: Global
health works support COVID-19 vaccination in Colombia

While securing adequate funding to improve quality of care is a challenge for many countries, some have been successful implementing financial mechanisms to incentivize high-quality care delivery, reducing fraud, waste, and abuse.

Country/region: Global

In this webinar, we’ll listen to experiences and lessons from health system strengthening activities that have used two promising approaches: contribution analysis and outcome harvesting.

Country/region: Global

This Practice Spotlight brief describes contribution analysis, a monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning approach well-suited for examining the effects of HSS interventions conducted in complex environments, where the causes of change are multifaceted and difficult to trace.

Country/region: Global
GESI Cover

This strategy document lays out how the LHSS Project will support country partners in moving towards greater gender sensitivity, responsiveness, and ultimately transformation in their health systems.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Equity
Ethnic pride_Cartegena_ACDI VOCA-David Osorio CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

It is easy to fall back on the habit of using catchall terms like “vulnerable groups” to refer to many different people, but relying on these terms can have a harmful unintended consequence.  

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Equity
Screen shot of cover for the LHSS Year 2 Annual Report
USAID Quarterly Report

The Year 2 Annual Report provides a look into the geographic and technical scope of LHSS during October 2020-September 2021. The report includes stories of impact within five themes: Building Resilience, Supporting Local Capacity and Sustainability, Advancing Equitable Access to Essential Health Services, Promoting Quality Health Care, and Optimizing the Use of Health Resources. 

Country/region: Global
Bangladesh Mother and Child (Credit: David Stanley)

Poor budget execution results in inefficiencies that undermine the ability of health agencies to improve access to needed health services and improve population health. Yet billions of dollars in unexecuted health budgets are returned to treasuries every year. 

LHSS photo 5_RRT w migrants in Sincelejo, Sucre Department_cropped 2_1

Population movement of this magnitude places huge stress on health systems in receptor countries. How can health care for migrants be financed? How can health system capacity be expanded? And how can health sector policies and national migration policies be harmonized? 

A laboratory specialist in Kazakhstan handles samples for testing in July 2020.

The events of the past 18 months underscore the importance of generally strong, equitable, and accessible health systems. COVID-19 is not the only threat we face, and as we prepare for the future it is critical that we begin to sufficiently invest in the foundational health system strengthening required to develop lasting resilience. 

Country/region: GlobalKazakhstan

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