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TB patients in health facility

Vietnam is one of the 30 countries with the highest burden of TB and drug-resistant TB in the world, with more than 172,000 cases and 10,400 deaths from TB in Vietnam in 2020 (WHO).  On July 1, TB treatment facilities nationwide started providing TB drugs to patients through social health insurance, marking an important milestone for financial sustainability.

Country/region: Vietnam
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

This report presents findings from LHSS Vietnam's international review of diagnosis-related group contracts and provides a series of evaluations and recommendations.

Country/region: Vietnam
Report cover with title name and USAID logo

This rapid assessment aimed to determine which health facilities in seven high-TB burden provinces of Vietnam meet social health insurance (SHI) requirements for TB service provision and for reimbursement of TB services through the SHI scheme.

Country/region: Vietnam
Cover of report showing title and USAID logo

This report provides a review of international experience to draw out practical and scientific approaches for both the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Vietnam Social Security (VSS) to consider. Conclusions and recommendations are provided.

Country/region: Vietnam
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Lhss prepared this report, discussing procurement and payment considerations related to the transition of first-line tuberculosis (TB) drug procurement in Vietnam from the central state budget to the social health insurance fund starting in 2022.

Country/region: Vietnam
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Conducted by LHSS, this market analysis examines four factors affecting SHI-covered ARV procurement and supply in Vietnam, and it also summarizes findings and recommendations across each of these factors.

Country/region: Vietnam
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This report describes the multidisciplinary team approach, and presents guidelines for establishing, training, and monitoring and evaluating multidisciplinary teams.

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
Photo of woman facilitating a training session
Success Story

Health workers play a central role not only in providing continued care for COVID-19 patients, but also in promoting vaccination and combating misinformation, with evidence-based health education. 

Country/region: Kyrgyz Republic
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This document provides a roadmap for Vietnam’s National Tuberculosis (TB) Program to transition procurement and payment for TB drugs to the country’s social health insurance scheme.

Country/region: Vietnam
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This report summarizes the results of a review of international experience and best practices related to pro-health excise taxes.

Country/region: Vietnam
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LHSS in this report recommends that the government raise pro-health excise taxes at greater rates than currently proposed by the Ministry of Finance in order to increase the revenue raised.

Country/region: Vietnam
Vietnam transition ss
Success Story

For the first time, Vietnam has procured TB medicines using its national social health insurance scheme. 

Country/region: Vietnam
Screen shot of report cover

LHSS provides technical assistance to the Dominican Republic, and this five-year roadmap outlines a strategic vision, objectives, and initiatives for reaching the final milestone of expanded insurance and standardized health service packages for migrant women residing in or transiting through the Dominican Republic.

Country/region: Dominican Republic
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Screen shot of report cover

LHSS activity in the Dominican Republic during its first year of implementation and detailed steps to pilot initiatives that aim to improve SHP for migrants (including women) in the Dominican Republic

Country/region: Dominican Republic
Knowledge Areas: Migrants and Health Equity
Image of document cover with title

This landscape analysis report on Social Health Protection for Women in High-Migration Contexts provides LHSS-LAC, USAID, national governments, regional stakeholders, and other development partners with an inventory of country experiences and strategies for improving access to social health protection (SHP) for women migrants and women at risk of migration.


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