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cover page Vietnam abx

Explore our latest report on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Vietnam, which provides an in-depth analysis of antibiotic use and resistance patterns from 2019 to 2022 by using the database from the Social Health Insurance (SHI) system at the country level. This study, undertaken by the Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) project in collaboration with Vietnam Social Security (VSS), offers valuable insights into the trends of antimicrobial consumption, including data on Defined Daily Doses (DDD), cost implications, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on prescribing practices.

Country/region: Vietnam
Vietnam young PLHIV video

The video captures the significant sharing of a young student with HIV who was recently treated by a community-led social enterprise (The Niem Tin Song Tien social enterprise) participating in the current social contracting pilot in Vietnam.

Country/region: Vietnam
vietnam news story HIV

Clients at an HIV clinic in Vietnam are finally having their viral load tests reimbursed, thanks to some multisectoral problem-solving facilitated by LHSS. 

Country/region: Vietnam
Success Story

Thanks to a multiyear strategy supported by LHSS and predecessor USAID projects, Vietnam now funds approximately 52 percent of its HIV/AIDS program through domestic financial resources.

Country/region: Vietnam

2022 marked Vietnam's 10-year journey to sustain its HIV response with domestic financing (2013 – 2022).  The country now stands out as a global example for sustainability and domestic resource mobilization for its HIV program.

Country/region: Vietnam
LHSS Supports Vietnam to Cover TB Drugs in National Health Insurance, Paving the Way for Sustainable TB Treatment  
Success Story

The Vietnam government transitions funding of TB treatment to the SHI fund with support from LHSS. This transition marks a critical milestone, ensuring uninterrupted access to life-saving treatment.

Country/region: Vietnam
Image of health care provider holding medicine

LHSS features four poster presentations at 24th International AIDS Conference.

Country/region: Vietnam
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: HIV/AIDS
Screen shot of report cover

Conducted by LHSS, this market analysis examines four factors affecting SHI-covered ARV procurement and supply in Vietnam, and it also summarizes findings and recommendations across each of these factors.

Country/region: Vietnam
View of stage as attendees listen to the presenter

This video captures a November 6, 2020 ceremony in Hanoi which marked the formal start of the LHSS Project’s four-year effort to help the Government of Vietnam implement its social health insurance program. The program covers treatment services for people with HIV, among other essential health services.

Working closely with the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) agency, LHSS will help improve the agency’s capacity to manage the insurance program funds effectively, efficiently, equitably, and with accountability. LHSS will also support Vietnam’s transition to full financial ownership of its HIV and TB responses.

Country/region: Vietnam
Photo of District Medical Officer interviewed during the video

HMED software will improve Vietnam’s capacity to effectively forecast ARV demand, and manage the drugs when they are in the country. Also, engaging drug manufacturers and distributors is crucial to overcoming supply side obstacles.

Country/region: Vietnam
LHSS Kick Off

Effort to strengthen Vietnam’s social health insurance program will benefit people with HIV.

Country/region: Vietnam
Screen shot of cover
Fact Sheet

LHSS Vietnam works to strengthen the Government of Vietnam’s capacity to sustainably manage holistic HIV and TB programs that will drive achievement of the country’s commitment to end HIV and TB by 2030.

Country/region: Vietnam

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