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Tajikistan news story

With support from USAID’s LHSS Project, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population (MOHSPP) in Tajikistan strengthened Tajikistan’s national laboratory system and supported the country’s COVID-19 Country Preparedness and Response Plan.

Country/region: Tajikistan

This document explores the issues facing the Timorese health system, identifies the existing mechanisms for engagement between the MoH and CSOs, and offers recommendations to improve the engagement.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
TL SS internet
Success Story

Improved internet connectivity and capacity strengthening have increased timeliness and completeness of health data reporting in Timor-Leste. That makes all the difference for the country’s health officers.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
the way forward tl ss

Excerpts from an interview with Mr. Marcelo Amaral, Director General of Corporate Service at the Ministry of Health in Timor-Leste.

Country/region: Timor-Leste

One-page document outlining key findings and actionable insights related to health financing strategies from the USAID Health System Sustainability Activity in Timor-Leste.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Face Sheet LHSS Central Asia
Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides a summary of activity progress in Central Asia as well as results and impact.

Screen shot of report cover

This report presents findings and recommendations from a September-October 2021 assessment of how health facilities were using the ventilators.

Country/region: Uzbekistan
Screen shot of report cover

It summarizes the draft strategy’s recommendations for strengthening Uzbekistan’s infectious disease surveillance and rapid response system.

Country/region: Uzbekistan
delta news

Accurate and timely identification of COVID-19 variants in circulation is critical to an effective COVID-19 response. Following the delivery of parts and equipment to refurbish the country’s only COVID-19 specific genomic sequencing machine, LHSS supported training for laboratory specialists on genomic sequencing of COVID-19 virus variants. 

Country/region: Tajikistan
Uzbekistan Press Release UZ Times

LHSS supported a coordinated national emergency response led by the Ministry of Health and helped build the resilience of the health system against future shocks in Uzbekistan.

Country/region: Uzbekistan

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