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Learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the LHSS Project. We invite you to search LHSS knowledge products and resources for the latest approaches, insights, and learning in the field of integrated health systems strengthening. 


exploring the evidence for HSS

In this webinar, we discuss conditions that facilitate the institutionalization of practices that improve health system outcomes. 

Country/region: Global

This learning brief can be used as a resource for HRH managers, planners, program managers, and frontline practitioners to learn how other countries are approaching and successfully designing and implementing solutions to their HRH challenges. It can also be used as a reference for health policy makers, funders, and implementing partners to inform the design and implementation of HRH resource optimization initiatives covered in this brief.

Country/region: Global

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 1, “What are the contributions of systems thinking approaches and tools to changes in health system outcomes? How do systems thinking approaches affect health system outcomes?”

Country/region: Global

This Catalog allows practitioners to consider which interventions have more robust evidence bases to support their practical application, such as: enhancing worker and supervisor competencies through training, offering nonfinancial incentives for high performers, practicing task sharing to promote cost savings, implementing digital solutions to expand access to services, and reducing costs of procuring and distributing pharmaceutical products.

Country/region: Global

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 5, “What are effective and sustainable mechanisms or processes that enable the participation of private sector, civil society, and public organizations in developing locally-led solutions to improve high-performing health care, especially for poor and vulnerable populations? What enables the effective participation or leadership of marginalized populations themselves in the development and implementation of these solutions? Under what conditions is this participation different?”

Country/region: Global

During this webinar, we use the HSS Evidence Gap Map to explore measurement tools and approaches that have been used to estimate impact of HSS interventions on health systems outcomes.

Country/region: Global
Screen shot of EGM tool

The Evidence Gap Map identifies existing literature examining the impact of health systems strengthening on health outcomes. Evidence is organized around USAID's Health System Strengthening Learning Agenda.

Country/region: Global

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 3, “What measurement tools, approaches, and data sources, from HSS or other fields, are most helpful in understanding interrelationships and interactions, and estimating impact of HSS interventions on health system outcomes and priority health outcomes?”

Country/region: Global

This two-pager focuses on USAID’s Learning Question 2, “What conditions or factors successfully facilitate the institutionalization and/or implementation at scale of good practices that improve health system outcomes, and why? What are lessons learned regarding planning for sustainability and achieving results at scale?”

Country/region: Global
Logo of Digital Health Network

LHSS is proud to present at the Global Digital Health Forum, December 5-7, 2022, in Arlington, Virginia.

Country/region: Global
Knowledge Areas: Digital Health
Screen shot of brief first page

This brief explores ways in which digital tools and systems can be used successfully and responsibly to advance SBC interventions in support of health system strengthening, and provides recommendations for future programming and areas of research.

Country/region: Global
Screen shot of cover slide

In this webinar, we discuss promising practices for establishing a learning culture. Dr. Malangizo Mbewe, Acting Director, Quality Management Department, Ministry of Health and Population in Malawi, also shares his experience establishing systems to support continuous quality improvement.

Country/region: Global
Cover of Health Systems Strengthening Practice Spotlight - Outcome Harvesting

This Practice Spotlight brief describes outcome harvesting, a monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning approach that can help tease out the specific impacts of HSS interventions conducted in complex environments, where many factors may influence an outcome.

Country/region: Global
health works support COVID-19 vaccination in Colombia

While securing adequate funding to improve quality of care is a challenge for many countries, some have been successful implementing financial mechanisms to incentivize high-quality care delivery, reducing fraud, waste, and abuse.

Country/region: Global

In this webinar, we’ll listen to experiences and lessons from health system strengthening activities that have used two promising approaches: contribution analysis and outcome harvesting.

Country/region: Global

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