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Photo of attendees, speaking during the closing ceremony.

Featured as part of the Closing Ceremony for the Activity in June 2024, this video highlights work of the USAID Health System Sustainability Activity in supporting Timor-Leste build a self-reliant health system that is well-governed, efficient, accountable, and responsive to people’s needs.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Success Story

A Timorese NGO is helping the Ministry of Health provide accurate information about the COVID-19 vaccine, resulting in increased vaccination in target municipalities.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
TL one year_teaser

This video captures Timor-Leste’s progress in increasing COVID-19 vaccination coverage and strengthening the capacity of health care professionals – efforts supported by LHSS’s local NGO partner HAMNASA.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Woman in medical facility

USAID's Health System Sustainability Activity in Timor-Leste announced an additional funding of $600,000 to support the efforts of the Ministry of Health, Government of Timor-Leste, in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
Cover of report showing title and USAID logo

LHSS conducted an assessment of Uzbekistan supply chain management system for COVID-19 and emergency commodities.

Country/region: Uzbekistan
Face Sheet LHSS Central Asia
Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides a summary of activity progress in Central Asia as well as results and impact.

People preparing COVID-19 vaccines in Timor-Leste

The ‘COVID19 SAFE’ project opened with the launch of COVID-19 vaccination to school-age children (12–17 years old) in the Bobonaro municipality. The USAID Activity, working through HAMNASA, supported the Ministry of Health and Municipality Health Services in conducting community mobilization and disseminating COVID-19 information to the Memo village community, including to teachers and parents of school-age children.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Screen shot of report cover

This report presents findings and recommendations from a September-October 2021 assessment of how health facilities were using the ventilators.

Country/region: Uzbekistan
Screen shot of report cover

It summarizes the draft strategy’s recommendations for strengthening Uzbekistan’s infectious disease surveillance and rapid response system.

Country/region: Uzbekistan
Photos of speakers in front of event banner

On December 17, 2021, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) held a capstone event in Tashkent, Uzbekistan to mark the achievements made by its Local Health System Sustainability (LHHS) COVID-19 response activity. This video is a recording of that event which was organized as a hybrid event in which the majority of attendees participated virtually.

Country/region: Uzbekistan
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19

This Google Play App is a distance learning platform for training on the use of mechanical ventilation. It was developed in coordination with the Government of Uzbekistan and continues to be used to train health providers caring for severe cases of COVID-19.

Country/region: Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan Press Release UZ Times

LHSS supported a coordinated national emergency response led by the Ministry of Health and helped build the resilience of the health system against future shocks in Uzbekistan.

Country/region: Uzbekistan
People gather around event signage at COVID-19 Activity launch event.

The USAID Health System Sustainability activity will work with Timorese officials to train health workers in rural communities on handling different vaccines, using cold chain equipment, and ensuring that community members have equal access to vaccines and essential health care. 

Country/region: Timor-Leste
Knowledge Areas: Health Area: COVID-19
USAID and Government of Timor-Leste officials gather at the launch of the new activity.

Representatives of USAID and the government of Timor-Leste celebrated the start of the four-year, $15.6 million activity at a ceremony in Dili, the Timor-Leste capital, on July 2, 2021.   

Country/region: Timor-Leste

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