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Resumen Ejecutivo: Modelo de Relacionamiento del Prestador Primario para la Implementación de las Rutas Integrales de Atención en Salud

This document presents a summary of the model for strengthening the relationship of the actors involved in the implementation of the Comprehensive Care Route for the Promotion and Maintenance of Health (RPMS) and the Comprehensive Maternal and Perinatal Health Care Route (RIAMP). A full report is also available in Spanish.

Country/region: Colombia
Primary Provider Relationship Model for Implementing Health Care Pathways in Colombia

This document proposes a model to improve the relationship among stakeholders involved in the implementation of two Comprehensive Healthcare Pathways (RIAS, as per its Spanish acronym) in Colombia: the Pathway for the Promotion and Maintenance of Healthcare (RPMS, as per its Spanish acronym) and the Pathway for Maternal and Perinatal Health Care (RIAMP, as per its Spanish acronym).

Country/region: Colombia
chw establishing career pathway French

This brief in French identifies systems considerations for CHW career progression, including health workforce education and training, regulation and policy, management, and financing.

Country/region: Global
portuguese establishing career pathway CHW

This Portuguese brief identifies systems considerations for CHW career progression, including health workforce education and training, regulation and policy, management, and financing. It's also available in English and French.

Country/region: Global
utilizing human resource for health data

To respond to the ICA findings and to address the issues noted above, USAID’s Health System Sustainability Activity (the Activity) worked with the NDHR and INS to develop training on health workforce data use for decision making. The training will use a problem-based, hands-on approach to train mid-level managers within the Directorate General of Corporate Services (DGCS) to use HRH data to identify challenges; conduct analysis; engage relevant stakeholders in the collection and sharing of HRH data; use of HRH data to support decision making. Most importantly, it will ensure equitable allocation of workforce and improve training and professional development opportunities for the health workforce across the country especially at the primary health care level.

Country/region: Timor-Leste
chw brief

This brief identifies systems considerations for CHW career progression, including health workforce education and training, regulation and policy, management, and financing.

Country/region: Global
Bangladesh MSC infographic

The Most Significant Change (MSC) is a complexity-aware monitoring approach that helps us track and understand important changes happening in systems, practices, organizations, and people. LHSS Bangladesh has applied this MSC tool to identify, evaluate, and understand the most substantial changes within our primary health care system functions. 

Country/region: Bangladesh
colombia mannual

This methodological and pedagogical manual offers guidelines for the development of the Health Education (EpS) process within the framework of the Comprehensive Health Care Routes (RIAS). These routes represent a significant shift in Colombia's public health policy by prioritizing health education. 

Country/region: Colombia

This Spanish document contains the impact and lessons learned from the Access Without Borders intervention by the Oriéntame Foundation to optimize the territorial management of the response to the Sexual and Reproductive Health of the Venezuelan migrant population and host communities.

Country/region: Colombia
Success Story

Communes in Battambang Province are among the first to devote local funds to HIV as part of Cambodia's decentralization of health programs. 

Country/region: Cambodia
exploring the evidence for HSS

In this webinar, we discuss conditions that facilitate the institutionalization of practices that improve health system outcomes. 

Country/region: Global
Success Story

An estimated 170,000 people contract TB each year in Vietnam. The new e-LMIS system helps ensure a reliable drug supply for those who need treatment.

Country/region: Vietnam

The report will describe previous efforts to establish a health professional council, examine the current situation related to the management of health professionals’ competency, quality, and ethics; and assess the current roadblocks to establish a semi-autonomous health professional council.

Country/region: Timor-Leste

This document builds on the rural retention desk review conducted by USAID’s Health System Sustainability Activity (the Activity). The desk review assessed WHO’s recommendations (WHO 2010) on approaches to increase recruitment and retention of health workers in rural and remote areas considering the Timor-Leste context and the country’s governing laws.

Country/region: Timor-Leste

This brief strategy section will contextualize recruitment within the broader contexts of human resources for health and the broader health system, with the acknowledgment of the ultimate goal: to provide high-quality, accessible health care services to all Timorese people.

Country/region: Timor-Leste

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